How I Came To Appreciate the Misunderstood Islam
By Jaison Abraham, New Age Islam
02 June, 2014
Throughout my life, I
had numerous negative feelings and understanding towards Islam and its
followers (because I was socialised in that way). Although it’s a
religion that originated from the Middle East, same as Christianity but
down the centuries Islam was misinterpreted and misused by many. And I
was among those who misunderstood it without having studied it properly.
The reason why I had
this negative notion towards Islam was mainly because of some
fundamental reasons. First of all, it’s a widely known stereotyped
conception that “Islam promotes violence as they took terrorism as tool
and jihad was seen as a holy war to kill and die for Allah.” Violence, I
thought, was used in many ways to Islamize everything by force, even to
the extent of forceful conversion. Even if you look at the major
violent groups like Al-Qaeda, Lashkar e Taiba, Taliban and Boko Haram
groups have its origin or claimed to have origin by or for this
religion. And people like Afzal guru, Ajmal Amir Quassab, Hafiz Saeed
& Osama Bin laden are the main Muslim figures known for their
hardcore violent behaviour and they were behind massive massacre of
innocent peoples.
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