Hindi Section | |
30 Sep 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com | |
मुसलमानों की सामूहिक सोच में परिवर्तन – भाग 1 | |
हसन कमाल (उर्दू से अनुवाद-समीउर रहमान, न्यु एज इस्लाम डाट काम) |
http://newageislam.com/NewAgeIslamHindiSection_1.aspx?ArticleID=5588 |
Hindi Section | |
30 Sep 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com | |
मुसलमानों की सामूहिक सोच में परिवर्तन – भाग 1 | |
हसन कमाल (उर्दू से अनुवाद-समीउर रहमान, न्यु एज इस्लाम डाट काम) |
http://newageislam.com/NewAgeIslamHindiSection_1.aspx?ArticleID=5588 |
Islamic Personalities | |
30 Sep 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com | |
Dr Mohammad Ibrahim: A Great Humanitarian | |
By Muhammad Abdul Mazid |
http://newageislam.com/NewAgeIslamIslamicPersonalities_1.aspx?ArticleID=5589 |
Urdu Section | |
30 Sep 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com | |
If Hindus are 'Mushrik', What are We? | |
By Tahir Mahmood |
http://newageislam.com/NewAgeIslamUrduSection_1.aspx?ArticleID=5590 |
Interfaith Dialogue | |
30 Sep 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com | |
Multi faith Spaces Can Offer Dialogue Opportunities | |
By Mette Eriksen |
People from different religious backgrounds living side by side have been a challenge in Egypt, as well as many places, for ages. In India, Europe and the US so-called multi faith spaces have had some success creating shared spaces where people can practice whichever belief they have together. “Multi faith spaces include spaces with a remarkable variety of names like room of silence, meditation room, prayer room, the hub, chapel and many others. This diversity of names is an indication of the differences in approach, purpose and usage,”…. “In India, Muslims as well as Hindus and Buddhists are very spiritual in their approach to religion. I think we see our religious identity more as who we are. We believe in one God and that our God is the only god,”….. understanding of their fellow citizens. “Sharing our prayer for God would be focusing on the one thing we don’t have in common. But just as Indians have things in common regardless of their religion, so do we. Let’s focus on that,” he says. “We have values in common, such as the respect for marriage, and we have shared problems, such as discrimination from public employment. Let’s gather around that.” -- Mette Eriksen http://newageislam.com/NewAgeIslamDialogue_1.aspx?ArticleID=5591 |
Radical Islamism & Jihad | |
30 Sep 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com | |
Salmaan Taseer Murder: Mumtaz Qadri’s Bogus Defence | |
By Ejaz Haider |
http://newageislam.com/NewAgeIslamRadicalIslamismAndJihad_1.aspx?ArticleID=5592 |
Islamic Society | |
30 Sep 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com | |
In the heart of Sufism: Wali`s Tomb as Place of Pilgrimage | |
By Abrar Haris |
It is a long and winding journey to sacred places from the grave of Pir Muhammad Barkhudar Gilani Qadri, a Pakistani Sufi figure in Sillanwali, to Ulakan Syeikh Burhanuddin Mosque in Pariaman, West Sumatra, Indonesia. In those burial complexes, ordinary people experience the “conversion” of life. In this context, we see that Sufi figures are not stereotypic wandering men in self-ecstasy. Indonesian people can fairly say that men like pedagogic Ki Hadjar Dewantara who founded Taman Siswa College during the Dutch occupation, freedom fighters Tuanku Imam Bonjol, Prince Diponegoro and other Indonesian heroes and heroines and even non-Muslim independence fighters are Sufi. They did not hide in solitude but led their people to sovereignty. I assume in their ziyarat or long struggle, while waging guerilla war behind mountainous villages, men like Imam Bonjol or Diponegoro used many religious practices to maintain morale among their followers. They would have recited zikir or religious contemplative chants in circle pattern, performed muraqaba or meditation by using their own cultural musical instruments (sama) to achieve self-peace and self-conviction in their fight against the invaders. -- Abrar Haris http://newageislam.com/NewAgeIslamIslamicSociety_1.aspx?ArticleID=5593 |
Islam and Sectarianism | |
30 Sep 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com | |
Sectarianism in Pakistan: The Suicide Path | |
By I.A Rehman |
http://newageislam.com/NewAgeIslamIslamAndSectarianism_1.aspx?ArticleID=5594 |
Current affairs | |
30 Sep 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com | |
On the Death Penalty | |
By Tariq Ramadan |
http://newageislam.com/NewAgeIslamCurrentAffairs_1.aspx?ArticleID=5595 |
Hindi Section | |
29 Sep 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com | |
क्या ग़रीबी और अन्याय आतंकवाद की असल वजह नहीं है? | |
एम.ए.खालिद (अंग्रेज़ी से हिंदी अनुवाद-समीउर रहमान, न्यु एज इस्लाम डाट काम) |
विदेशी खतरे से तो हम निपट सकते हैं, लेकिन ज्वालामुखी हमारे देश के अंदर ही है और किसी भी वक्त फट सकता है और इस पर क़ाबू पाना हमारे लिए बेहद ज़रूरी है। देश की जनता अगर अपने देश के प्रशासन से नाखुश हो तो हमारा एटमी पावर वाले देश होने या सुपर पावर होना क्या मतलब रखता है। हमारे यहाँ आज भी जनता की बड़ी आबादी गरीबी से संघर्ष कर रही है। देहातों की बात तो जाने दीजिए,मुम्बई जैसे शहर, जो आर्थिक राजधानी है, वहाँ के लोगों को पानी से वंचित रखना या आधे से एक घण्टे पानी मिलना क्या हमारे खुशहाल होने का संकेत है? मुम्बई शहर की बड़ी तादाद आज भी अपनी बुनियादी आवश्यकता को पूरा करने के लिए रेल की पटरियों की तरफ जाती है। क्या ये हमारे खुशहाल होने की दलील है? --एम.ए.खालिद(अंग्रेज़ी से हिंदी अनुवाद-समीउर रहमान, न्यु एज इस्लाम डाट काम) http://newageislam.com/NewAgeIslamHindiSection_1.aspx?ArticleID=5586 |
Islam and Politics | |
29 Sep 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com | |
A Sliver of Hope on Kashmir's Horizon | |
By Dileep Padgaonkar |
http://newageislam.com/NewAgeIslamIslamAndPolitics_1.aspx?ArticleID=5581 |
Urdu Section | |
29 Sep 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com | |
Islam does not Sponsor Violence in the Name of Establishing the Rule of Allah | |
By Jahangir Alam Qasmi, NewAgeIslam.com |
The holy Quran also comes down heavily on those who misinterpret the teachings of Islam to justify the killings of innocent non-combatant non-Muslims including old men, children and women to further the political ambitions of a coterie of misguided Muslims. They unleash bloodshed and mayhem and think that they are reformers purifying the world of sins and sinners. See what the Quran says about these men: And when it is said to them: "Make not mischief on the earth," they say: "We are only peacemakers." (Al Baqra: 11) And so advises this misguided lot in the following words: "Eat and drink of that which Allah has provided and do not act corruptly, making mischief on the earth."(Al Baqra: 60) --Jahangir Alam Qasmi (Translated from English by-Samiur Rahman, NewAgeIslam.com) http://newageislam.com/NewAgeIslamUrduSection_1.aspx?ArticleID=5582 | ||
Islam, Women and Feminism | |
29 Sep 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com | |
Women Leading Youth Brain Drain Due to “Stifling Environment” | |
By Eleanor Johnstone |
“There is a lot of brain drain here, that’s part of why I came back. I didn’t want to be a brain drainer. I wanted to fix it.” Halifa is a 25 year-old Maldivian woman, educated and living abroad, who returned to work in the Maldives for a one year contract in a highly specialised professional field. For many young people, Halifa says, Maldivian culture is an obstacle to growth and employment. “Many youth wish they weren’t even Maldivian, they don’t know why they had to get stuck here,” she says. “When I talk to one of my friends, she says she wants to get out and come back when it’s better. That attitude is actually quite common.” Although Maldivian law and society allow for equal rights between genders, speaking out is considered brash and unfeminine, and the cultural mindset of wearing the burqa means more girls are being married young without finishing their education. One woman called this shift in behavior “brain wastage: a deliberate refusal to apply the brains that one has – and this is the biggest problem that Maldivian women face today.” --Eleanor Johnstone |
http://newageislam.com/NewAgeIslamIslamWomenAndFeminism_1.aspx?ArticleID=5583 | ||
Spiritual Meditations | |
29 Sep 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com | |
Moses: The Noble Messenger | |
The Daily Arab News |
Nothing is lost yet, so they better act now before they are returned to God. When they are returned to Him: “On that Day We shall deliver a mighty onslaught,” when the smoke envelops people. “We will indeed exact retribution,” for the play you indulge in and the falsehood you level at the Prophet describing him as ‘taught by others, a madman’, when he is God’s trusted Messenger. when God sends a messenger to a certain community, this may represent a special test for them. Likewise, allowing those who oppose the messenger and reject his message a period of time during which they may persist in their arrogance, persecuting the messenger and those who believe in him, may also be a special sort of test. When a community exhausts the patience of God’s messenger, leaving him despairing of their ever being positive towards the divine message, their action may incur a stern punishment: “We did, before their time, try Pharaoh’s people.” We tested them with prosperity and power in the land, as well as all means of affluence and power. “There came to them a noble messenger.” -- The Daily Arab News http://newageislam.com/NewAgeIslamIslamSpiritualMeditations_1.aspx?ArticleID=5584 |
Radical Islamism & Jihad | |
29 Sep 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com | |
Radical Islamism is Not a Carrot | |
By Nadeem F. Paracha |
http://newageislam.com/NewAgeIslamRadicalIslamismAndJihad_1.aspx?ArticleID=5585 |
Islam and the West | |
29 Sep 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com | |
A President who is Helpless in the face of Middle East Reality | |
By Robert Fisk |
http://newageislam.com/NewAgeIslamIslamAndWest_1.aspx?ArticleID=5580 |
Urdu Section | |
28 Sep 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com | |
Importance of Observation in the Quran | |
By Sohail Arshad, NewAgeIslam.com |
The Quran reminds man time and again that the master and the creator of the universe is God. He is omnipotent and all powerful. He has no rival or colleague. His knowledge covers everything. He knows each and every particle in the universe and the universe is illuminated with his light. He created the universe for man and illuminated the sun and the moon, spread the greenery on the earth, grew countless bounties for man and gave him supremacy over all the creatures on earth so that he can use them for his own benefit. He created rivers and streams for him and hid gems in them. The Quran expects man to think over all this and seek spiritual proximity to God. --Sohail Arshad, NewAgeIslam.com http://newageislam.com/NewAgeIslamUrduSection_1.aspx?ArticleID=5573 | ||
More... | ||
Hindi Section | |
28 Sep 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com | |
क़ुरान को खुद ही बोल लेने दीजिए | |
किताब का नामः टेक्स्ट एण्ड कॉन्टेक्स्टः क़ुरान एण्ड कन्टेम्पोरेरी चैलेंजेज़ लेखकः आरिफ़ मुहम्म्द खान प्रकाशकः रूपा एण्ड कम्पनी पृष्ठ-306, कीमत-395 |
क्या इस्लाम स्वाभाविक रूप से हिंसक है? क्या हिंदुस्तान और पूरी दुनिया में रहने वाले मुसलमानोंकी निंदा इसलिए होती है कि वो निरक्षरता, असहिष्णुता और कट्टरपंथ में डूबे रहते हैं? या फिर वोलोकतंत्र, महिलाओं के अधिकार और बहुसंस्कृतिवाद वाली आधुनिक दुनिया का सामना अपनीशर्तों पर कर सकते हैं? आरिफ मोहम्मद खान का मानना है कि वो ऐसा कर सकते हैं। पिछले एकदशक या इससे भी ज्यादा में विभिन्न अखबारों और मैग्ज़ीनों में प्रकाशित उनके लेखों के संग्रह,टेक्स्ट एण्ड कॉन्टेक्स्टः क़ुरान एण्ड कन्टेम्पेरेरी चैलेंजेज़ में इस विद्वान और राजनीतिज्ञ ने बतायाहै कि मुसलमान ऐसा क्यों कर सकते हैं। --सैफ शाहीन (अंग्रेज़ी से हिंदी अनुवाद- समीउररहमान, न्यु एज इस्लाम डाट काम) http://newageislam.com/NewAgeIslamHindiSection_1.aspx?ArticleID=5578 |