Thursday, October 17, 2013

'Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil’ or Amr Bil Maaroof, Nahi Anil Munkir: Qur'an Exegetes and Hadith Interpreters Dispel Notions of Aggression and Violence That Wahhabis Associate with This Doctrine

By Ghulam Ghaus, New Age Islam
October 16, 2013
Enjoining people to do good and forbidding them from evil (Amr bil Maaroof, Nahi anil Munkir) is a doctrine mentioned in the Quran a few times. Wahhabism associates it with use of force, coercion and violence in society. The words ‘Amr’ and ‘Nahi’ have a variety of meanings but they are beyond every notion of aggression. The classical Quran exegetes and the traditions of the prophet (pbuh) have explained them well enough for us to be able to refute the false interpretations of this verse. In recent times, this doctrine has been misused to provide the pretext for allowing violence being inflicted on innocents in the name of establishing Islamic law (Sharia). The Taliban justify all tier cruelties on the pretext of following this doctrine. The perpetrators of such crimes, the extremist Talibani-Wahhabi ideologues who the following exegetic analysis refers to, are themselves the evil doers who should be forbidden from their evil practices.
Talibani-Wahhabi Muslims in their mouthpiece “Nawa-e-Afghan Jihad”, or Al-Qaeda-inspired magazines like Azaan, interpret “enjoining good and forbidding evil” more fanatically than we majority of mainstream Muslims can even imagine. Such a violent manner that they have pursued corresponds neither to natural human prudence nor to the will of God Almighty as we understand it. Usually they quote the following Hadith to justify their use of force in forbidding evil regardless of whether the majority of Muslims even consider that act as evil or not:

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