Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Can Islam And Muslims Be Linked To Global Terrorism? How Can Muslims Change The Image And The Reality On The Ground

By Nastik Durrani, New Age Islam
1 November 2013
"All Muslims are not Terrorist but All Terrorists are Muslim." Can this slogan raised by a Hindu nationalist party be considered correct?  All the facts and evidence revealed by neutral researchers as well as the world consensus indicate that at this point in time this is by and large true. This phenomenon may have had its origin in Muslim community in the early ninth century, but now we regularly see it reported in the news media. Hindu nationalists did not accuse all Muslims of being terrorists, but they very precisely discovered that all existing forms of terror today emanate from the Muslim world. Not quite true but a linkage cannot be denied.
Now the logical questions that arise in the mind of every sane Muslim are: how did the trend of terrorism emerge among Muslims? What are the reasons behind this bloody phenomenon? And how can we put an end to it

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