by Dr. Adis Duderija, New Age Islam
New Age Islam
columnist Dr. Adis Duderija authentically describes Muslims approach to
interfaith dialogue. He writes: I would like to analyse the imam’s (who has a
significant following and is seen as ‘progressive’ by many young people) speech
in relation to the question of an authentic vs. apologetic approach to
inter-faith dialogue. An authentic approach I define as one that deals with the
reality of the complex nature ,diversity and at times mutually exclusive
strands of what constitutes a religious tradition with the attendant issue of
who has the power and authority to ‘canonise’ and interpret that very
tradition. An approach which evaluates religious tradition holistically,
contextually and in a historically sensitive manner An apologetic approach, on the other hand,
strives to score an ideological point in most cases but importantly it is also
a one dimensional approach and an understanding of the religious tradition
based on selective utilisation of tradition that suppresses certain aspects of
it and privileges others, an approach which is at best semi-contextualist and
not attune to the historical circumstances in which the tradition unfolded.
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