Monday, January 30, 2012

Islamic Society
28 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan: is it really a citadel of all that is holy and sacred?

By Mohammad Malick

27 January, 2012

Scared of the clergy and their mindless flocks, sexual education in Pakistan has already been rechristened as Reproductive Health Education but even then it is not being imparted where it is most needed: to our youth. Even today, this education is not even touching the ‘taboo’ subject of sexuality but merely focusing on the physical aspects of change. Why are we scared to teach our children what they must know? -- Mohammad Malick

Urdu Section
30 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
اسلام، خاندان اور جدیدیت

اصغر علی انجینئر (انگریزی سے ترجمہ۔ سمیع الرحمٰن، نیو ایج اسلام ڈاٹ کام)

اس طرح قرآن کے مطابق خاندان کا ادارہ زندگی کی اعلی اور نیک اقدار پر مبنی ہونا چاہئے۔ صرف جنسی خواہشات کی تسکین کبھی اعلیٰ تہذیب کی جانب نہیں لے جا سکتا اور نہ ہی کسی کی زندگی میں استحکام لا سکتا ہے۔ رحم اورمحبت انسانی تہذیب کی بنیاد یں ہیں اورخاندان تہذیبوں کو بنانے کا اہم ادارہ ہے۔جہاں تک ممکن ہو خاندان نہیں ٹوٹنے چاہیے اور نبی کریم ﷺ کی حدیث مبارکہ کے مطابق طلاق ، جائز چیزوں میں سب سے زیادہ ناپسندیدہ چیز ہے اس کے علاوہ ایک اور حدیث کے مطابق جب مرد طلاق لفظ اپنی زبان سے ادا کرتا ہے تو یہ آسمانوں کو ہلا دیتا ہے ، کیونکہ طلاق خاندان کے ادارے کو دھچکا پہنچاتا ہے۔ اصغر علی انجینئر (انگریزی سے ترجمہ۔ سمیع الرحمٰن، نیو ایج اسلام ڈاٹ کام)

Islam and the West
30 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
The West’s Imprudent Investment in Islamist Movements

By Raghida Dergham

29 January 2012

Indeed, it is not really clear whether predictions of a confrontation between the Salafist Islamists and the Islamists from the Muslim Brotherhood will prove true, as there are those who believe that what is happening is a kind of distribution of roles, until the West falls in love with the Muslim Brotherhood, welcomes the rule of Islamists, and provides them with aid so that their rule may prosper at the expense of secularists and modernists. -- Raghida Dergham

Islam and the Media
30 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
Disconcerting Telepresence

By Narain D Batra

25 January, 2012,

Among the rising global digital elite, there's a widespread awareness that the networked space that hovers over the geographic space is no less real. If you buy music online from a digital music store, for example, it's no less real than physically going to a local music store - or, for that matter, working for a New York law firm from Delhi, Kolkata or Chennai. As more and more people experience activities through an internet telepresence, they are unlikely to care about what is American, what is Indian, and what is Chinese. -- Narain D Batra

Islam and the West
30 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
The Indonesian Massacres: Complicity and Cover-Up

By Conn Hallinan

January 24, 2012

The Cold War is over, but not U.S. interests in Asia. The Obama administration is pouring military forces into the region and has made it clear that it intends to contest China’s growing influence in Asia and Southeast Asia. Here Indonesia is key. Some 80 percent of China’s energy supplies pass through Indonesian-controlled waters, and Indonesia is still a gold mine—literally in the case of Freeport McMoRan on Irian Jaya—of valuable resources. -- Conn Hallinan

Books and Documents
30 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
Lifting Veil on Love and Islam


January 23, 2012

They solicited submissions from across the United States, mainly through Facebook and Twitter, winnowing down a couple of hundred to a collection that represents women with origins in East Africa and across the Middle East to Pakistan, as well as a mixture of ages, professions and sexual orientations. Some experiences speak to issues broader than those concerning Muslim Americans: The woman who discovers that her dream date already has a young daughter, or the woman who comes out to her parents only to learn that they had been reading her blog for years. -- NEIL MacFARQUHAR (Photo- Ayesha Mattu and Nura Maznavi)

Islam and Politics
30 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
Muslims And Minorities

By Irfan Husain

28 January, 2012

According to human rights organisations, Pakistan is among the most brutal countries when it comes to the treatment of minorities. Year after year, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan issues reports highlighting a wide range of crimes committed against non-Muslims by individuals and the state.In the recent Punjab government action against Gosha-i-Aman, no functionary has explained why this extreme step was taken without warning, especially when the church has documents proving its ownership of the property since 1887. But when the state is itself a party to what comes across as a blatant land grab, there is little ordinary citizens can do to resist, especially when they belong to a minority community. -- Irfan Husain

War on Terror
30 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
The struggle for Islam's soul

By Ziauddin Sardar

18 July 2005

It is true that the vast majority of Muslims abhor violence and terrorism, and that the Koran and various schools of Islamic law forbid the killing of innocent civilians. It is true, as the vast majority of Muslims believe, that the main message of Islam is peace. Nevertheless, it is false to assume that the Koran or Islamic law cannot be used to justify barbaric acts. The terrorists are a product of a specific mindset that has deep roots in Islamic history. They are nourished by an Islamic tradition that is intrinsically inhuman and violent in its rhetoric, thought and practice. They are provided solace and spiritual comfort by scholars, who use the Koran and Islamic law to justify their actions and fan the hatred. -- Ziauddin Sardar

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Islam and Politics
28 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
Bangladeshi politics: Failed Coup

By Ajit Kumar Singh

23 January, 2012

The radicalization process has been rooted in Bangladeshi politics since the bloody coup of August 15, 1975, which killed the country's founding father, Prime Minister Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (Sheikh Hasina's father). The coup leaders used Islam as an instrument to legitimize and secure their power. Succeeding regimes have collaborated with radical and fundamentalist Islamic political organizations. Indeed, the principal political parties, in their efforts to oust the military from power, maintained tactical relationships with fundamentalist political organizations, giving them unbridled power, which radicalised society and the polity to the core. The AL was guilty of such alliances in the past, though, in its current tenure, it has acted with determination and consistency against Islamist extremist elements in the country. -- Ajit Kumar Singh

Urdu Section
28 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
کافر ہونے پر

اصغر علی انجینئر (انگریزی سے ترجمہ۔ سمیع الرحمٰن، نیو ایج اسلام ڈاٹ کام)

پھر وہ قران کی اس آیت کا حوالہ دیتے ہیں جس میں کہا گیا ہے کہ اللہ نے ہر ایک قوم میں اپنا رہنما بھیجا ہے اور وہ دلیل دیتے ہیں کہ اللہ ایک عظیم ملک ہندوستان کو کیسے بھول سکتا ہے اور وہاں اپنا رہنما نہ بھیجے۔ رام اور کرشن بھی اسی طرح کے رہنما تھا جن کاہندو بے انتہا احترام کرتے ہیں ۔وہ یہ بھی کہتے ہیں کہ ہندو بھی حق میں یقین رکھتے ہیں کیونکہ وہ بھی خدا کو ستیم (حق) کہتے ہیں۔جیسا کہ داراشکوہ نے اپنی تصنیف مجمع البحرین میں اشارہ دیا ہے کہ ہندو اپنے ایشور کو ستیم ، شیوم اور سندرم (حق، پروردگار اور خوبصورت)کہتے ہیں ، اور قرآن میں اللہ کے یہ تینوں نام حق ، جبار اور جمیل ہیں۔ اصغر علی انجینئر (انگریزی سے ترجمہ۔ سمیع الرحمٰن، نیو ایج اسلام ڈاٹ کام)

Islam and Human Rights
28 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
US Policy an Obstacle to World Peace?

By Tracy E. Tomlinson

7 January, 2012

There should be no question in any sound mind that what is being perpetrated for the sake of world peace in Afghanistan is nonetheless applicable under the context of the Guantanamo case. What has been documented by the Kabul justice commission report is in effect a form of psychological torture and a blatant affront to the values of all freedom everywhere. What the US considers as a military necessity continues to incite the reproach of political hypocrisy, unnecessary opposition, undermining America’s attempts to combat terrorism –if one is to reason that counterterrorism is the sole reason for a Middle East occupation. --Tracy E. Tomlinson

Islamic Society
28 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
Islam And Economic Justice

By Asghar Ali Engineer

13 January, 2012

Mecca was, as we all know, centre of international trade and finance and various tribal chiefs had formed inter-tribal corporation to monopolis we this international trade and were accumulating wealth and neglecting tribal morality to look after weaker sections. In other words, like in our own times, globalization and liberalization of economy allows few people to accumulate wealth, in Mecca too, before rise of Islam, polarization between rich and poor had greatly increased leading to social tensions. -- Asghar Ali Engineer

Current affairs
28 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
Sequel To L’affaire Rushdie

By B. Raman

January 25, 2012

What we see as a legitimate demand for freedom of expression from the artistic community, is seen by many in the Muslim community as a demand for freedom to indulge in an act of blasphemy against their religion. The extremist mindset of sections of the Muslim community—like the extremist mindset of sections of the Hindus and other religions— is a harsh ground reality which is likely to continue for some years to come unless there is a better spread of education in the different communities and more enlightened leaderships emerge in them. Till then no amount of public debates and TV talk shows would eradicate this mindset. -- B. Raman

The War within Islam
28 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
Write, Wrong

By Shahid Siddiqui

28 January, 2012

I don’t deny the right of people to eulogies Rushdie and regard his writings as the litmus test for the protection of right to speech. In India, believers of all faiths have lived together for thousands of years. In the thousand years of Muslims presence in India we do not come across any writing abusive of Hindu gods and religious figures by any prominent writer or poet. We do read the poems of Ras Khan in Brijbhasha eulogising Lord Krishna, or Abdul Rahim Khankhana translating Ramayana and Mahabharata into Persian. A book can well be written on the contribution of Muslim scholars and poets in propagating and appreciating Hindu gods, goddesses and religious books. In India there is hardly any example of writings by Hindu or Sikh writers critical of the Prophet or the tenets of Islam. -- Shahid Siddiqui

The War within Islam
28 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
Where Life Isn’t Sacred

By Javed Anand

26 January, 2012

Nearly 150 years ago, “Sir Syed”, founder of the Aligarh Muslim University, argued against book-burning and ban-seeking. In his biography, Hayaat-e-Javed, of the then reviled and now revered man, Maulana Altaf Hussain Hali approvingly wrote that Syed Ahmed Khan consistently held the view that words must only be fought with words. Khan would go out of his way to procure controversial writings. His advice to fellow Muslims: Must read anti-Islam, anti-Prophet literature. If the content is scurrilous, ignore them. However, if the criticisms are of a serious nature, the only option is to place your response in the marketplace of ideas. By burning books or demanding a ban, you only create the impression that Islam has no answers to offer. -- Javed Anand

Islamic Society
28 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan: is it really a citadel of all that is holy and sacred?

By Mohammad Malick

27 January, 2012

Scared of the clergy and their mindless flocks, sexual education in Pakistan has already been rechristened as Reproductive Health Education but even then it is not being imparted where it is most needed: to our youth. Even today, this education is not even touching the ‘taboo’ subject of sexuality but merely focusing on the physical aspects of change. Why are we scared to teach our children what they must know? -- Mohammad Malick

Friday, January 27, 2012

From the Desk of Editor
24 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
Salman Rushdie controversy: India too is not immune to perils of Islamo-Fascism

By Sultan Shahin

24 January 2012

Salman Rushdie was not allowed to speak to the litterateurs, and their fans gathered at Jaipur literature festival even through a video link today. This is a shame for our country and even more so for our community. Shame for our country because we do not have the resources or the will to protect a literary festival, the best of its kind in the world, from gangsters and Mafiosi and their threats of violence. Shame for our community because we have religious thugs among us who would threaten an innocuous event just because an author who is supposed to have blasphemed our prophet – something we keep doing every day, every minute, routinely, without even realising it, by just being the kind of corrupt people we are, by defying God and giving Islam a bad name through our misconduct. The event was going to be harmless because Salman Rushdie was not going to raise any controversial issue, speak about or read from The Satanic Verses.

It is unfortunate that politicians and media treat as our leaders intellectually-challenged bullies who are, unable to read and appreciate literature or arts. One such bully was asked at the Festival why did he not challenge Rushdie to an intellectual debate on the Jaipur platform. This was actually a question he could not possibly have an answer for. If this person were capable of appreciating the beauty and majesty of Rushdie’s prose, he won’t be there threatening the organisers with violence, though, of course, he did that in a very peaceful manner and language, as all Mafia dons do.

At a panel discussion at Jaipur Festival following the announcement of Rushdie’svideo link too not being allowed, Tehelka editor Tarun Tejpal asked the Maulvi: “Can anything that any one can say might even begin to dent the glory and beauty of Islam?” Is Allah threatened by even a virtual presence of Salman Rushdie, asked Tehelka’s Shoma Chaudhury, who was moderating the discussion, when the bearded bully could not understand Tejpal’s question. Of course, he could not possibly have had any answer. -- Sultan Shahin

Spiritual Meditations
25 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
'The Biggest Damage Religion does is Brainwashing Children'

Richard Dawkins in an interview with Vineet Gill

Jan 25, 2012,

It would be very nice to study religion in anthropological and psychological ways. By the way, i do think children need to be educated about religion. They just shouldn't be told you belong only to this or that religion. They should be told, there is this religion and that religion. And when you grow up, you may - or may not - choose to join any of those.-- Richard Dawkins in an interview with Vineet Gill (Photo: Richard Dawkins)

Hindi Section
27 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
धार्मिक होने का मतलब

असग़र अली इंजीनियर (अंग्रेजी से अनुवाद- समीउर रहमान, न्यु एज इस्लाम डाट काम)

सभी अम्बिया कराम और महान धार्मिक बुद्धीजीवी हक़ की तलाश के लिए वक्फ़ (समर्पित) थे। कुरान भी फ़रमाता है कि अल्लाह ने विविधता को पैदा किया, न कि एकसमानता को ताकि कोई बिना घमंड के अलग अलग हक़ को समझ सके। जो भी हक़ की लगातार तलाश में लगा है इसमें खुशु (विनम्रता) की सिफ़त (गुण) होनी चाहिए। कुरान पुर-जोर अंदाज़ में म्स्तकबितीन ( ताकतवर औऱ घमंडवाला) की निंदा करता है। कुरान में जो अम्बिया कराम का ज़िक्र किया गया है उनमें से अधिकांश मुतहम्मल (विनम्र) स्वभाव के थे। -- असग़र अली इंजीनियर (अंग्रेजी से अनुवाद- समीउर रहमान, न्यु एज इस्लाम डाट काम)

The War within Islam
27 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
Pakistan and Bangladesh: Haunted by their Histories

By Syed Badrul Ahsan

Jan 27 2012

Bangladesh and Pakistan, having emerged as a single Muslim state in 1947 through the partition of India, went their separate ways after a bloody war of Bengali liberation in 1971. At some later point, though, it became hard for one to distinguish the politics of the two nations one from the other. Both countries have gone through long periods of military rule, with democratic politics getting stymied in the process. -- Syed Badrul Ahsan

Urdu Section
27 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
اسلامی شریعت کے نفاذ کا مسئلہ

وارث مظہری

قرآن میں شراب کو یکبارگی کے بجائے مختلف مرحلوں میں حرام قرار دیا گیا۔حضرت عمر بن عبد العزیز سے ان کے بیٹے نے کہا کہ اگر آپ جب کہ حق پر ہیں، تو آپ ظلم وفساد کے خلاف کیوں اٹھ کھڑے نہیں ہوتے؟ ضروری احکامات کا فوراً نافذ کیوں نہیں کردیتے ؟عمر بن عبد العزیز نے جواب دیا کہ بیٹے جلدی نہ کرو اس لیے کہ اللہ تعالیٰ نے قرآن میں شراب کی دو مرتبہ مذمت کی پھر تیسری مرتبہ اسے حرام قرار دیا ۔مجھے یہ خوف ہے کہ میں لوگوں کو پورے حق کا پابند بنانے کی کوشش کروں گا ۔ تو لوگ پورے ہی حق کو ترک کردیں گے اور اس طرح بڑا فتنہ پیدا ہوجائے گا ۔ وارث مظہری

Current affairs
27 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
Salman Rushdie: “If this is allowed to go on, India will cease to be a Free Country”

……. the real enemies of Islam are the leaders, the Deobandis, the various extremist leaders and their followers, who behave like this, because what they do is to strengthen the extremely negative image of Islam as an intolerant, repressive, and violent culture, as an ideology masquerading as a gentle faith, whereas actually what happens every time it’s crossed, or every time it dislikes something, is that it resorts to threats and violence. Dar-ul Uloom is the group from which the Taliban learnt their ideology. This is the group which in the notorious Imrana case, a couple of years ago, said that a woman raped by her father-in-law should be divorced by her husband as a result… if this is the face of Islam and it is going to take root in India, then it is a very bad state of affairs.-- Salman Rushdie in an interview to Barkha Dutt

Current affairs
27 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
Salman Rushdie Saga: A Trimmed Idea of India

By Srijana Mitra Das

Jan 27, 2012,

Had the Indian liberal used logic and not courtesy then, arguing for justice, opposing any threats of violence from fringe elements whether Hindu or Muslim, perhaps those fringes would not have grown to be the problem they are today. Perhaps we could have seen a JLF where anti-Rushdie groups shouted slogans and waved placards - their democratic right - but feared threatening violence in place of severe censure. Perhaps we would have had a situation where, realising targeting artists wasn't going to win elections; politicians - both Hindu and Muslim - would have ensured the Muslim community got its fair share of jobs and education. -- Srijana Mitra Das

Islam and Politics
27 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
Emergence Of A New Order In Egypt

By Syed Faisal Ali

Jan 26, 2012

The Brotherhood leadership is looking more pragmatic than radical and it seems they have realized the need to keep their radical policies and planks in the backburner and move ahead with a consensus approach hand in hand with liberal voices representing different shades of Egyptians' life. -- Syed Faisal Ali

War on Terror
27 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
Finishing the Work of Afghan Peace

By Abdul Matin Bek

26 January, 2012

While mourning my father’s death, I wish to speak up. I share the belief with my father that America’s Afghan strategy is shortsighted and probably based on domestic rather than strategic considerations. As Afghans, we rarely understand U.S. policy. One day the U.S. military declares the Taliban the enemy, the next day they’re willing to make peace. Does this policy reflect the realities on the ground? Is it a winning strategy? -- Abdul Matin Bek

Islam and the West
27 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
Jonathan Laurence on How to Integrate Europe’s Muslims

By Jonathan Laurence

January 23, 2012

In Britain, for example, race-based equality laws protected Sikhs and Jews as minorities, but not Hindus and Muslims, since they were still considered “foreign.” Granting Muslims full religious freedom wouldn’t remove obstacles to political participation or create jobs. But it would at least allow tensions over Muslims’ religious practices to fade. This would avoid needless sectarian strife and clear the way for politicians to address the more vexing and urgent challenges of socioeconomic integration. -- Jonathan Laurence

The War within Islam
27 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
Muslims’ ‘Rushdie Opportunity’

By Saif Shahin,

27 January, 2012

From Bradford to Bombay, Muslims who can see through the lame politics of the episode should stand up and, matching the hooligans of 1988, step on to the streets—this time to read the book loudly rather than to burn it. They should print out copies from the Internet, distribute them freely (surely Rushdie won’t mind), and organise public reading sessions. And when the heavens don’t fall, it will be clear that the mullahs were wrong, that no book—howsoever blasphemous—can shake the foundations of a 14 centuries old and a billion-strong faith. -- Saif Shahin,

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The War within Islam
25 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
We Are Our Own Worst Enemy

By Kahar Zalmay

January 17, 2012

When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you. (African proverb)

“What we want is moral and financial support to be productive citizens of this country. But look who came to our help when we needed it, who changed our life, who gave us exposure to the outside world, who extended help and took us out from the well where we had been languishing like frogs; not some politicians, not some mullahs, not some military generals, but USAID; with the tax money of American people,” --Kahar Zalmay

Islam and the West
25 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
Tariq Aziz: "They Killed our Country. We are all Victims of Britain and America"

By Felicity Arbuthnot

January 12, 2012

US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta acknowledged that: “We spilled a lot of blood here” ... to achieve … making the country sovereign and independent and able to secure itself.” Tariq Aziz has to be top of the list. The fiercely patriotic, nationalistic reminder of an illegally overthrown government, which, whatever else, had put Iraq first and poured the country’s oil revenues in to health- care, education, clean water, modern infrastructure, turning a beautiful, but run down “third world” country in to a “near first world” one, to use the West’s patronizing patois.--Felicity Arbuthnot (Photo: Tariq Aziz)

Current affairs
25 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
Bangladesh: Lessons from the Coup that Failed

By Haroon Habib

January 25, 2012

The elements of hidden extremism have to be ferreted out from the army and other sensitive organs of the government in a bold but practical manner. Investigations have revealed that some, including those already indoctrinated, have tried to misinterpret Islam to spread extremism. With its roots in the Liberation War, the Bangladesh army must project itself as a well disciplined professional force. -- Haroon Habib

Hindi Section
25 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
इस्लाम में जानवरों के अधिकार

नीलोफ़र अहमद (अंग्रेजी से अनुवाद- समीउर रहमान, न्यु एज इस्लाम डाट काम)

सैलाब से महफूज़ किये जाने वालों में मोमिनीन के साथ साथ हर एक नस्ल के जानवरों के जोड़े थेः'...... हमने नूह को हुक्म दिया कि हर किस्म (के जानदारों) में से जोड़ा, जोड़ा (यानी) दो (दो जानवर-. एक एक नर और एक एक मादा) ले लो और जिस शख्स की निस्बत में हुक्म हो चुका है कि (हलाक हो जायेगा) उसको छोड़ कर अपने घर वालों को जो ईमान लाया हो उसको किश्ती में सवार कर लो......(11:40)। हकीकत ये है कि जानवरों को बचाने का हुक्म मोमिनों को बचाने से पहले आया और ये उन जानवरों की अहमियत की तरफ इशारा करता है जिनका अस्तित्व खतरे में थे। --नीलोफ़र अहमद (अंग्रेजी से अनुवाद- समीउर रहमान, न्यु एज इस्लाम डाट काम)

Islam and Politics
25 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
Imran, Jinnah and Pakistan’s Problem

By Aakar Patel

January 14, 2012

The orientation of the Pakistani state is wrong. And it isn’t aligned correctly because of its ideology, whose prenatal trait is more pronounced each passing decade. This flaw produced the state’s resolve to defy India at all costs and the subsequent dominance of the army, which has led to the emasculation of its political parties and made politics irrelevant. The individual’s religion is irrelevant. This equality is the basis of their welfare state. Change cannot come to Pakistan without reorienting its state, its army and its culture. -- Aakar Patel

Urdu Section
25 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
شریعت ، فتوی اور خواتین کے حقوق

اصغر علی انجینئر (انگریزی سے ترجمہ۔ سمیع الرحمٰن ، نیو ایج اسلام ڈاٹ کام)

بد قسمتی سےخاندانی قوانین کے معاملے میں زیادہ تر فقہہ قرآن کے بجائے کمزور احادیث پر انحصار کرتے ہیں۔ ابن حزم ، جو بظاہر ظاہری مکتب فکر (صرف تقلید کے ذریعہ نہیں) کو مانتے تھے۔آپ نے ان لوگوں کی سخت مزمت کی ہے جو خو غور و فکر نہیں کرتے تھے صرف تقلید پر عمل کرتے تھے۔ ابن حزم نے 14ویں صدی کے ا سپین میں یہ باتیں کہیں۔ ہمارے مذہبی قوانین کے ماہرین 21ویں صدی میں رہتے ہیں اور اس کے باوجود مشین کی طرح اپنے مکتب فکر کی تقلید کرتے ہیں۔ اصغر علی انجینئر (انگریزی سے ترجمہ۔ سمیع الرحمٰن ، نیو ایج اسلام ڈاٹ کام)

Radical Islamism & Jihad
25 Jan 2012, NewAgeIslam.Com
Pakistan’s Punjab: Fundamentalist Asphyxiation

By Ambreen Agha

Research Assistant, Institute for Conflict Management

A gathering of at least a thousand people at Data Darbar in Lahore expressed support for Qadri on January 4, 2012, and called for his release. Supporters of various religious parties that form the Tahaffuz Namoos-i-Rasalat Mahaz (TNSM) also staged protests at the Lahore Press Club at Minar-e-Pakistan. Participants in the rally, mostly Barelvi Muslims, held up portraits of Qadri and chanted slogans in his honor. A resolution was adopted at the end of the rally asking President Asif Ali Zardari to declare clemency for Mumtaz Qadri and punishment for Asia Bibi. -- Ambreen Agha