Monday, October 21, 2024

Upholding the Honour of the Sahaaba, the Prophet’s Companions: A Call for Accurate Understanding and Respect

By Ghulam Ghaus Siddiqi, New Age Islam 21 October 2024 Guiding Principles for Studying the Biography and Greatness of the Sahaba Main Points 1. Revered Status of the Sahaba: The Sahaba, as mentioned in the Qur'an, hold a revered status that must be acknowledged and defended against slander and defamation, often stemming from misconstrued or fabricated narratives. 2. Contextual Understanding of Their Actions: It is essential to view the Companions’ actions within their historical context, recognizing their journey from ignorance to faith and how Islamic teachings transformed their lives. 3. Primary Sources of Honora: The Qur'an and Mutawaatir Hadiths serve as the primary sources that confirm the honor and paradise-bound status of the Companions, providing definitive evidence against any narrative that seeks to diminish their greatness. 4. Methodological Adherence: Adhering to recognized methodologies in studying the Companions is crucial for dispelling misconceptions, ensuring that interpretations align with the authentic teachings of Islam. 5. Unacceptable Beliefs against Their Status: Any beliefs that contradict the established status of the Companions, as defined by the Qur'an and Hadith, are unacceptable. It is imperative for Muslims to uphold the integrity and honour of these noble figures. ------ Slandering the Companions or creating illusions about them in the beliefs accepted by the Ahl-e-Sunnah is an important temptation of today, to which even well-educated people are falling prey. In this propaganda, the individuals with the Rafizi-mindset and anti-Islamic elements participated very actively, fabricated a number of traditions, made arbitrary interpretations and made great efforts to confuse the Muslim Ummah on the basis of unauthentic traditions and unacceptable interpretations. Their objective was to promote the mentality of slandering, abusing and disrespecting the Sahaba, the honourable companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him). But Alhamdulillah, those whose hearts are guided by the bright light coming from the verses of the Qur'an, do not slander the Sahaba simply because of some historical events, abolished deeds, and controversies taking place among the Sahaba in cases of Ijtihad, but rather they narrate the good morals, exemplary characters, examples of dignity, righteousness, justice, generosity, truthfulness, bravery, piety and the corruption-free acts displayed by the Sahaba, encouraging people to follow them. When the honourable term "Sahabi" is uttered or resonates in one's ears, or is encountered inscribed anywhere, a deeply reverent companionship is swiftly evoked. This profound connection harks back to the revered bond between the Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him), and those blessed souls who were privileged to be in the presence of the Prophet, even if only for the briefest of moments. The very mention of a Sahabi sparks imagery of spiritual kinship, loyalty, and divine guidance, encapsulating the essence of companionship with the beloved Messenger of Allah, a bond transcending time and space. The plural of the Arabic word Sahabi is Sahaba. The Sahaba in their pure understanding and unwavering devotion, exemplified the highest forms of piety and service to Islam, embodying a unique and cherished connection with the Prophet that continues to inspire hearts and minds across generations. Each Sahabi represents a luminous thread woven into the tapestry of Islamic history, bearing witness to the transformative power of faith and the profound impact of proximity to the final Prophet. Thus, the notion of a Sahabi serves as a beacon of light, guiding believers towards a deeper appreciation of the spiritual legacy left by those noble individuals who walked alongside the epitome of divine guidance, forever illuminating the path for seekers of truth and righteousness. Yes! The bond shared in this relationship is so profound that merely thinking about it triggers an automatic response where the words "Radi Allahu Anhu" flow effortlessly from one's lips, conveying heartfelt wishes for Allah's pleasure upon him. This sentiment is not just a phrase spoken in passing; it encapsulates a deep sense of reverence, admiration, and respect. The emotions evoked by this relationship are a blend of various qualities, intertwining to create a tapestry of love, loyalty, faith, and spiritual connection. It's a union that transcends time and space, resonating within the heart and mind, reminding us of the exemplary qualities embodied by the individual who elicited such genuine reverence. In essence, this relationship serves as a beacon of inspiration, guiding one towards a path illuminated by the virtues of love, devotion, and unwavering faith. We have embraced the faith of Islam by wholeheartedly believing in the ultimate authority of Allah the Most High and revering His beloved and final Messenger, Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. This invaluable gift of faith, along with the profound teachings of Islam and the divine revelation of the Qur'an, has been passed down to us through the spiritual legacy of the esteemed Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon them), who dedicated their lives to preserving and transmitting the sacred knowledge entrusted to them. Through their unwavering devotion, we have been blessed with the opportunity to deepen our understanding of the principles of Islam and to immerse ourselves in the profound wisdom of the Qur'an. It is through the spiritual connection to the Companions that we are able to experience the profound impact of their companionship with the Prophet, gaining insights into the noble character and exemplary conduct that defined their lives. This spiritual inheritance serves as a beacon of guidance, illuminating our path towards a deeper connection with our faith and a greater appreciation for the profound teachings that continue to shape our lives. This exceptional group, renowned for their remarkable virtues, outstanding traits, unique characteristics, and inspiring images, embodies such profound qualities that the teachings of the Qur'an resonate deeply with their words and actions, while the narrations of the hadiths eloquently capture the magnitude of their greatness. Their presence exudes a sense of unparalleled wisdom, compassion, and righteousness, enriching the world with their noble essence and leaving a lasting impact on those who have the privilege of witnessing their divine grace. Through their exemplary conduct and steadfast commitment to moral principles, they demonstrate a profound connection to the teachings of the Qur'an and the traditions of the Prophet, serving as living embodiments of spiritual enlightenment and moral fortitude. Their integrity, humility, and dedication to excellence serve as a beacon of guidance and inspiration for all who seek to walk the path of righteousness, urging others to follow in their footsteps and exude the same divine qualities that define their noble character. In a world often marred by turmoil and strife, their presence stands as a testament to the enduring power of faith, virtue, and dignity, offering a guiding light to those who seek solace and inspiration in their profound example of devotion and piety. This esteemed group of Muslims, often referred to as the companions of the holy Prophet Muhammad or the Sahaba, holds a special place in Islamic history. The Quran highlights their significance by promising Paradise to all of them in Surah Hadeed verse 10, emphasizing the Divine favor bestowed upon them. Moreover, in another instance in Surah Tawbah verse 100, the Quran affirms that “Allah is well-pleased with them and they are well-pleased with Him”. This reciprocal joy culminates in the eternal reward awaiting them - Gardens beneath which rivers flow, designed for their perpetual residence. These verses epitomize the ultimate success and triumph that these righteous individuals are destined to attain, serving as a profound testament to their unwavering faith and devotion. The companions have gained a special place in the Quran's verses due to their unshakeable loyalty and dedication to Islam, and their outstanding lives serve as an inspiration to future generations. A Sahabi is defined as someone who has had the privilege of being in the company of the Holy Prophet or having seen him during his blessed lifetime, under the condition that the individual is a Muslim and remains so until departing from this world. Scholars and Muhaddethin have offered various interpretations of who qualifies as a Sahabi, with the most widely accepted definition being outlined by Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani. According to him, “a Sahabi is someone who not only met the beloved Prophet of Allah while embracing the faith of Islam but also remained steadfast in their belief until the moment of passing.” [Nukhbat al-Fikr, p.111] Additionally, Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal introduced a more inclusive criterion, suggesting that anyone who spent time with the Prophet—for a year, a month, a day, an hour, or even just a brief glimpse—could be regarded as a Sahabi and bestowed upon them the distinguished title of being one of the Prophet's companions [Al-Kifaya fi ilm al-Riwaya, p 51]. This definition is subject to the requirement that the Sahabi be a Muslim and have held fast to his Islamic beliefs up until the point of death. Despite their exalted status mentioned in the Qur'an, the Sahaba are often subjected to slander and defamation based on either concocted narrations or misunderstood information. When embarking on the quest to comprehend the life stories and greatness of the Companions, it is paramount to immerse oneself deeply in the vast reservoirs of knowledge contained within the Qur'an, Sunnah, Hadith collections, and historical texts. To successfully navigate this intricate web of information, it is crucial to adhere to key principles of study. This thorough exploration is imperative because the Qur'an and the Mutawaatir Hadith provide explicit evidence of the remarkable greatness exhibited by the Companions. Conversely, as one delves further into various historical records and collections of Hadiths, there may arise instances where certain accounts may seem contradictory or less reflective of the esteemed stature of the Companions. Some narratives could pertain to their progressive journey through different phases of spiritual development, transitioning from a state of disbelief to profound faith, and from conducting actions rooted in the ethos of Jahiliyya to aligning themselves with the noble principles of Islam. These varying stages of growth and transformation serve as significant markers in understanding the multifaceted experiences and evolution of the esteemed Companions. In His infinite wisdom and grace, Allah Almighty utilized His Divine Speech, the Qur'an, and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) provided direct, face-to-face guidance to the Companions, offering a profound educational journey filled with moral lessons and values that transcended varied stages of life and encompassed diverse realms of knowledge. This divine training encompassed religious teachings, moral principles, ethical conduct, social interactions, and all aspects of life, shaping the Companions into exemplars of honesty, piety, righteousness, obedience, and complete servitude to the Almighty. As a result of this holistic upbringing, their character and behaviour stood as a shining beacon for the entire Muslim Ummah to emulate, serving as a timeless model of virtuous living and unwavering faith. The teachings imparted by Allah through the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) formed the bedrock upon which the Companions built their lives, fostering a deep connection with spirituality and a profound sense of devotion to their Creator. Through this divine guidance and instruction, the Companions not only upheld the highest standards of morality and righteousness but also embodied the true essence of servitude and humility, setting a standard of excellence that continues to inspire and guide generations of believers to this day. However, the tragic reality that has persisted since the time of the Kharijites up to the present day is the unwarranted defamation directed towards the esteemed Companions of the Prophet. This unwarranted criticism often stems from misinterpretations of their actions dating back to the Jahiliyya period. These actions, which may have been misunderstood in their historical context, were subsequently rectified through the teachings of Islam. However, despite their rectification and the noble examples set by the Companions, unjust criticism based on isolated incidents or unreliable accounts continues to prevail. Another grievous aspect of this situation is the failure to recognize the profound greatness and nobility of the Prophet's Companions, virtues explicitly extolled in the Quran and Hadiths. Consequently, a significant contributing factor to this misrepresentation is the disregard for the established study methodologies endorsed by the eminent scholars and Imams of the Muslim Ummah. These methodologies are essential in facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the Quran, Sunnah, Hadiths, and traditions. It is imperative that individuals who harbour doubts or misconceptions regarding the conduct of the Companions due to a surface-level interpretation of certain traditions and events grasp the importance of studying and researching through the established principles. Such endeavours are crucial for gaining a nuanced appreciation of the character and exalted status of the Prophet's Companions. By acquainting oneself with these foundational study principles, one can cultivate a more accurate and respectful perception of the esteemed figures who played pivotal roles in the early days of Islam. These principles are vital in aiding the comprehension of the Quran, Sunnah, Hadiths, and traditional teachings. It is crucial for individuals, particularly those who harbor doubts or misconceptions about the Companions, to realize the significance of adhering to sound study techniques and engaging in thorough research to form accurate perceptions about the character and stature of the Prophet's Companions. By embracing these fundamental study principles and delving deeper into the teachings of Islam, individuals can develop a more nuanced understanding of the legacy and contributions of the Companions. It is through comprehensive study and a diligent quest for knowledge that misconceptions and baseless accusations against these revered figures can be dispelled, allowing their true greatness and moral integrity to shine through unblemished. The foundational tenet that holds utmost significance pertains to the documented evidence found in the Holy Qur'an and the Mutawaatir Hadiths, both of which unequivocally attest to the exalted status, honor, and eminence of the Sahaaba. Therefore, any narrative, Hadith, account, or historical occurrence that introduces doubt, ambiguity, or potential for disparagement, defamation, or disrespect towards the esteemed Sahaaba is categorically deemed unacceptable. It is imperative that all teachings or events are in alignment with the Holy Qur'an and the Mutawaatir Hadiths; anything contradictory must be unequivocally rejected and cannot be integrated into the realm of faith and conviction under any circumstance. The undeniable proofs offered by the Holy Qur'an and the Mutawaatir Hadiths stand as a beacon of truth, guiding us to uphold the revered position and honor of the Sahaaba without room for doubt or defamation. Hence, it is incumbent upon believers to discern and adhere only to that which aligns with these authenticated sources, safeguarding the purity and sanctity of faith from any misleading or detrimental influences that may seek to cast aspersions on the noble Sahaaba. The Quran and Sunnah unequivocally and irrefutably establish the eternal residence of all the Sahaaba in Paradise, affirming that Allah Almighty has unequivocally expressed His pleasure towards these noble companions. Furthermore, the profound accounts found in the books of Ahaadith and Islamic traditions not only serve as a testament to the exalted status and virtues of the esteemed Sahaaba but also intricately detail their exemplary conduct, highlighting their unwavering commitment to principles of pious morality, commendable demeanour, unwavering sense of justice, unimpeachable honesty, steadfast truthfulness, unyielding spirit of sacrifice, boundless mercy, unparalleled courage, overwhelming benevolence, and multifaceted glorious qualities that adorned their characters, embodying a remarkable blend of noble traits that illuminate their extraordinary essence and enduring legacy in the annals of Islamic history. Those who study the lives of the Companions of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with them) must not only be mindful of a few essential points but also adhere to the established principles of Islamic teachings regarding research and understanding. In this fleeting world, many readers have a passion for investigative thought and search for material in Islamic books to discover the truth of matters. It has been a fundamental principle among the great scholars of Islam that, when it comes to matters of faith and belief, they always adopt certainty. They consider the Qur'an and the mutawatir (mass-transmitted) hadiths as definitive proofs (قطعی الثبوت) for any issue. Afterward, any related narrations, stories, or events are accepted based on their alignment with these definitive proofs, which are derived from the Qur'an and mutawatir hadiths. To explain further, the verses of the Qur'an and the mutawatir hadiths are accepted as definitive evidence for any matter, free from doubt, conjecture, or suspicion, and they hold the status of certainty. In comparison, speculative proofs (ظنی الثبوت) are considered less definitive. After the Qur'an and mutawatir hadiths, the other sources of Islamic teachings fall under the category of speculative evidence. The arguments we find regarding all Companions being destined for Paradise, being on the path of truth, having a mutual bond of approval with the Lord, and being honoured with the companionship and affection of the Noble Prophet (peace be upon him) are considered definitive proofs. In matters of faith and belief, only definitive evidence is considered valid, while speculative evidence holds no weight. For instance, in the Qur'an, Allah Almighty has emphatically promised the elevated status of all the Companions. The style of Allah’s statement is broad and contains significant meaning. Reflect on the verse: "And Allah has promised the best to all of them" (Surah Al-Hadid, verse 10). In Arabic sentence structure, the general rule is that the object of the sentence (مفعول) comes later. It is only placed earlier when emphasis is intended on the object. In this verse, the word "all" (kullā) is the object and is placed before, indicating emphasis on "each and every" one. The subject of this verse is "all the Companions," and its common translation would be that Allah has promised the best to all the Companions. The majority of scholars interpret "the best" (Husnā) as Paradise. This means that Allah has promised Paradise to all the Companions. Now, keeping the Arabic linguistic style in mind and emphasizing the word "all," say it again: "Allah has promised Paradise to all the Companions" (with emphasis). This promise made in favour of the Companions is established through the Qur'an, which is definitive and certain in its evidence. In another place, the Qur'an gives the glad tidings of Allah’s pleasure with the Companions. Allah Almighty says: "Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him" (Surah At-Tawbah, verse 100). This means that Allah is pleased with all of the Companions, and all of the Companions are pleased with Allah. In His blessed words, Allah has made this a definitive statement of proof, ensuring that anyone with sincere faith will accept that Allah has made it certain and obligatory in matters of belief that all the Companions are pleased with Allah, and Allah is pleased with them. Since this is a proclamation from the Most Gracious, who are we, humble and mortal beings, to accept any belief or sect that contradicts the declaration made by Allah regarding the Companions? The glad tidings of the Companions being destined for Paradise and Allah's pleasure with them are clearly explained by Allah Himself in the Qur'an. As we have understood, the Qur'an is definitive proof, meaning that any belief against the certain and truthful creed, whether it stems from speculative evidence or historical and narrative texts, is not acceptable in matters of Islamic belief for any believer. This is because, in matters of faith, certainty is what counts, and we have already attained that certainty through the Qur'an. After reaching this level of certainty, holding any belief about a Companion whose life ended with faith that contradicts the grandeur, dignity, and divine glad tidings mentioned in the Qur'an regarding the Companions is unacceptable. No Muslim who has been blessed with the light of faith would ever accept a belief that contradicts the noble status and great promise given to the Companions, as established in the Qur'an, merely based on a narration or historical record. This is the supreme blessing that was granted to the Companions of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with them), and the reason for their dignity and greatness lies in the words of the Most Merciful, who fully knows the conditions of His servants and the reality of their good and bad deeds. Allah not only has complete knowledge of the inner and outer faith and piety of the Companions but also is well aware of the actions of us humble and negligent servants. After receiving the light of the Qur'an, we have no doubt in our faith and belief that Allah, without distinction, is pleased with all the Companions, and without distinction, all the Companions are destined for Paradise. When studying the lives of the Companions, it is essential to keep in mind that hundreds of books have been written about their actions, deeds, and events. In today’s materialistic and busy world, it is not easy for an ordinary person to cover all of this information. Therefore, several key considerations must be taken into account to understand the sources of our knowledge. What are the sources of our information? Are they books of history or narrations? Are we studying the original texts of these books, or are we reading someone’s translation or interpretation? Who is the translator or commentator? Are they knowledgeable about the principles of Islamic beliefs? What is the purpose behind their translations, interpretations, or narrations? Are we familiar with the principles of authenticity and reasoning in narrations (riwayah and dirayah)? Is it enough for us to simply come across a narration or hear it without any understanding of its meaning and reasoning? Is it not our fundamental principle that any belief contradicting the creed established in the Qur'an and the mutawatir (mass-transmitted) hadith regarding the Companions, no matter which sources it comes from, will never be accepted by us? Today, Muslims who recite the Kalimah are divided into many sects, and each sect has written various things regarding the Companions of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with them) in its own way. The senior scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah (the mainstream Sunni tradition) have identified the beliefs of all the prevalent sects, and they possessed deep insight into the Qur'an, Hadith, and the knowledge of historical and narrative texts. Thus, their belief has always been that all the Companions are destined for Paradise, and Allah is pleased with all of them. In matters of faith, the decision of the senior scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah is that the definitive evidence has been revealed regarding all the Companions being destined for Paradise and Allah being pleased with all of them. Therefore, any belief contradicting this, regardless of its source, is not acceptable. The scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah have always emphasized that any belief based on criticism or denigration of the Companions is utterly unacceptable, no matter where it comes from. This humble servant acknowledges that it is not easy for anyone to fully encompass all the narrations, hadiths, and historical accounts related to the Companions, nor to grasp the various translations and interpretations. Therefore, in today's world, it is crucial for those who respect scholarly discourse and for ordinary minds to refrain from incorporating any narrative based on criticism or slander of the Companions into their belief system. Doing so would contradict the truth established in the Qur'an. In historical and narrative texts, there are many accounts that, at first glance, may not seem befitting of the stature of the Companions. Some of these are entirely fabricated statements, invented with the intent to slander the Companions. Even some narrations, though considered authentic by the standards of hadith transmission, do not hold a place of acceptance when it comes to matters of faith. Such narrations can only be viewed in the context of their historical background and circumstances, but they should never be used to criticize or slander the Companions. This is because Allah has clearly declared His pleasure with all the Companions in the Qur'an. When studying the lives of the Companions, it is also essential to remember the principles of knowledge and research based on fairness. The Companions lived during the time of the revelation of the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Allah Almighty educated the Companions through the Qur'an in various stages, and the beloved Messenger of Allah also guided them through his words, actions, and teachings. The first stage was the transition from disbelief to faith, or one could say, the shift from the era of ignorance to faith and Islam. Following that, the training of the Companions in their actions and morals was conducted through the Qur'an and Hadith across different stages and contexts. The various books of narration and hadith provide insight into the diverse actions and events of the Companions at different stages. After receiving religious, ethical, spiritual, and divine training, the personalities of the Companions rose to such heights that they became exemplary lessons of guidance for all the misguided people. However, it is crucial to note that after studying the lives of the Companions, one should not conclude that since they were in a state of disbelief before accepting faith and Islam, they were therefore adherents of disbelief. It is unjust to present incidents from the state of disbelief to criticize the Companions. Similarly, if it is found in a narration that a certain Companion engaged in an undesirable practice that was prevalent during the era of ignorance, it is essential to remember the various stages of their religious and moral training. Allah and His Messenger guided the Companions through these stages, resulting in their embracing the highest and finest Islamic teachings and abandoning the undesirable practices of the pre-Islamic period. Therefore, if narrations mention the abandoned actions of the Companions, it is not permissible for readers to criticize them based on the undesirable actions of the pre-Islamic era. When the period of the revelation of the Qur'an came to an end, and the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) passed away, the subsequent events that occurred in the form of disputes cannot be used to criticize the Companions. These events are part of matters related to ijtihad, where one party was in the right, while the other made an error in judgment. It is a matter of consensus that the integrity, honesty, piety, and righteousness of any Companion cannot be doubted, as they underwent their training during the period of the Qur'anic revelation, directly under the guidance of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). This training resulted in their becoming exemplars of honesty and piety. After the Prophet's passing, they faced new issues that required ijtihad. There are several necessary conditions for ijtihad, which enable a mujtahid to possess the ability for independent reasoning. Some Companions had the capacity for ijtihad. However, the opinions presented through ijtihad have two aspects: one aspect represents correctness (the right), while the other represents error (the wrong). To understand ijtihadi error, it is essential to recognize the distinction that sin is an action for which punishment is prescribed, and for which a person is accountable on the Day of Judgment. Conversely, an ijtihadi error is an act for which there is no punishment in Shari'ah. If a mujtahid's opinion is correct, he is entitled to two rewards; if he makes a mistake, he still receives one reward. The mujtahid does not commit this error intentionally; rather, he utilizes all available knowledge and understanding to make a decision that he believes to be the best. However, if an error occurs in the result of this mujtahid's decision, he should not be criticized. Since Shari'ah does not hold a mujtahid accountable for an ijtihadi error, it is certainly not permissible for ordinary people to criticize any Companion. Shari'ah has also promised a reward for the mujtahid in cases of ijtihadi error. Criticizing ijtihadi errors or forming any negative or derogatory beliefs about the Companions is absolutely impermissible. This is because Allah has explicitly declared in His eternal and unchanging Word the guaranteed status of all Companions as inhabitants of Paradise and His pleasure with them. Therefore, any narration or interpretation that undermines the dignity of the Companions or suggests any form of deficiency is entirely unacceptable. ---- A regular Columnist with, Ghulam Ghaus Siddiqi Dehlvi is a Classical Islamic scholar with a rich Sufi Madrasa background and expertise in English-Arabic-Urdu translation. Throughout his career, he has emerged as a prominent figure in the realm of Islamic scholarship, consistently contributing valuable insights and analysis on a wide range of crucial topics. Through his regular writings, he has delved into multifaceted subjects, including but not limited to deradicalisation strategies, the promotion of moderation within Islamic teachings, counter-terrorism efforts, and the vital mission of combating Islamophobia. Moreover, he extensively addresses the urgent need to challenge radical ideologies through well-reasoned arguments and scholarly discourse. Beyond these critical issues, his work also encompasses in-depth discussions on human rights principles, the significance of safeguarding religious rights, and the profound exploration of Islamic mysticism. URL: New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism

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