Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Gilani Village: A Symbol of Hindu-Muslim Unity in Bihar, Where Everyone Shares the Same Title

By Sahil Razvi, New Age Islam 22 October 2024 Gilani Village in Bihar Exemplifies Hindu-Muslim Unity, Where Residents from Both Communities Share the Surname 'Gilani.' With A Rich History of Peaceful Coexistence, The Village Is Also Renowned for Its Malda Mangoes and Serves as A Model of Communal Harmony Main Points: 1. Gilani village symbolizes strong Hindu-Muslim unity. 2. All residents, regardless of religion, share the surname 'Gilani.' 3. The village was founded by a disciple of Hazrat Abdul Qadir Gilani (RA). 4. Gilani is famous for its Malda mangoes, exported globally. 5. During the 1947 Partition, Hindus protected their Muslim neighbors from riots. ------ In the heart of Nalanda district of Bihar lies Gilani village, a place that stands as a testament to the deep-rooted unity and love for the land among its residents. Regardless of religion, everyone in this village, whether living here or having settled elsewhere, proudly carries the village’s name as their own surname a tradition that has turned into a unique cultural identity. A Shared Surname: Gilani In Gilani village, people of both Hindu and Muslim communities use 'Gilani' as their surname, symbolizing the strong bond among the residents. This unity is captured in a popular couplet about the village, "This village has such a story, when confined, it's Gilani; when expanded, it's the world." According to Benam Gilani, a resident and poet of the village, the name Gilani originates from Hazrat Abdul Qadir Gilani of Baghdad, one of the revered figures in Sufism. Hazrat Janjari, a disciple of Hazrat Gilani, came from Iran about 700 years ago and settled in the area, founding this village. Out of respect for their spiritual leader, the name 'Gilani' was adopted for the village, though it is pronounced 'Jilani' due to linguistic differences in Arabic. One Title, Diverse Religions One of the most remarkable features of Gilani village is that all residents, regardless of their faith, have adopted Gilani as their last name. This practice reflects the communal harmony that has existed in the village for centuries. From Aditya Prasad Gilani to Suresh Prasad Gilani, and from Ayaan Gilani to Rajendra Ram Gilani, the people proudly carry the village's name on their foreheads. The village has also produced some notable personalities: Maulana Manazir Ahsan Gilani, 14 widely recognized books published, while M.A.M. Gilani was the Vice-Chancellor of Bhagalpur University. A Village Known for Mangoes Gilani village is also famous for its Malda mangoes beyond its historical significance. People from outside places visit the village when mangoes are in season to enjoy those succulent fruits. Mangoes from the village are in huge demand in both domestic and foreign markets. The popularity of Gilani mangoes has also given the village a new sense of identity. A Tale of Harmony Communal harmony in Gilani village serves as a powerful testimony that religious animosities can be crossed by respect and love. Benam Gilani recalled that when the Partition of India in 1947 erupted with riots in every part of the country, the Gilani village remained a peaceful island. In a mounting atmosphere of unrest, outsiders came to Gilani with an intention to commit harm to the local Muslim population. However, the necks of the Hindu inhabitants of the village, standing firmly in defense of the Muslims, first declared that their necks would be cut before harm came to the Muslims. Then such bold acts of solidarity pushed the outsiders away and saved the village in good harmony. A Call for Unity in Today’s Divisive Times As communal tensions continue to surface in modern times, the example set by Gilani village is more relevant than ever. The village’s history reminds us that peaceful coexistence is not only possible but essential. In an era where small disputes often lead to communal strife, Gilani village continues to embody the spirit of Hindu-Muslim unity and offers a model for how communities can live together with mutual respect. Gilani village, with its shared surname and history of communal harmony, stands as a living example of India’s rich cultural diversity and unshakable unity. In a world where divisions seem to grow wider, this small village in Bihar offers a message of hope that people of different faiths can live together in peace, unified by their love for the land and for each other. This timeless village shows that, regardless of religion, the title of unity remains one: Gilani. ----- Sahil Razvi is an Author and Research scholar specialising in Sufism and History and an alumnus of Jamia Millia Islamia. URL: https://www.newageislam.com/interfaith-dialogue/gilani-village-symbol-hindu-muslim-unity-bihar-title/d/133505 New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism

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