Tuesday, October 22, 2024

As If One Wasn't Enough, Now We Have Two - Zakir Naik and Mufti Tariq Masood

By Sumit Paul, New Age Islam 22 October 2024 "Zakir Naik Could Convert Half of All Hindus to Islam Within a Year If He Were Given a Free Hand." Controversial Pak Mufti Tariq Masood Zakir Naik and Mufti Tariq Masood ------- Very recently, this controversial mufti invited the wrath of Pakistan's Muslims when he said that Muhammad was unlettered (which he was). Just to cover up his 'transgression', the motor-mouth mufti is admiring Zakir Naik and eulogising the great power, reach and strength of Islam. This is what we say in Persian, Yak Na Shud, Do Shud (literally, not one but two happened- as if one was not enough, now we've two problems!). While there's little doubt about the infinite stupidity of Masood and Zakir, there's no doubting the fact that Islam's whole business of conversion of Hindus and others to its fold still goes on with a missionary zeal. Why should anyone become a Muslim, or for that matter, embrace any other faith? The venerable reader Dr Ghulam Mohiyuddin recently commented upon my article on the futility of a world religion by stating that humans are more cantankerous than all religions. In a way, he's right because who concocted all faiths? Obviously, humans. Humans made all religions as clever tools to divide mankind into faiths, sects and sub sects. One 'supremely gifted' and omniscient (ironically, of course) reader opined that religions couldn't be held responsible for all the unrest and conflicts across the globe. When you've diabolical people like Masood, Zakir, among others, won't you condemn religions? Won't you particularly criticize Islam (and also, Christianity) for dreaming of converting all to its fold? When religion is employed to foster differences and discrimination; when it's used for conversions of infidels and Kafir, should it still be eulogised and extolled? When Pan-Islamisation is the ultimate dream of even 'learned' Muslims, shouldn't religion (particularly, Islam) be questioned? What's happening in India at the moment? Hindus, who used to be pretty tolerant, are now as fanatic as Muslims have always been. Now Hindus have also started converting people of other faiths to the fold of Sanatan Dharma. Instead of encouraging and developing a universal spirit of brotherhood and bonhomie, we're dwelling upon religious conflicts and conversions. Radhakrishnan said, " If at all you want to convert, convert yourself vertically and focus on self-ascension. Don't go for horizontal conversion which only increases the numbers." Remember, statistics don't reveal the substance. World will be a much better place sans any faith and god. You'll not hate me just because I excoriate your faith and vice versa. I've not seen or met a few individuals in this forum who dislike me for criticizing Islam and all faiths. Mind you, they don't dislike me per se. They've actually no problem with Sumit Paul. They've an issue with his anti-religion and anti-god stance. They dislike me because I'm a critic of all man-made faiths and their truckload of gods. Isn't it ridiculous? Grow up and be a human. alas, no religion teaches you to be a human. Every faith teaches and indoctrinates you to be its steadfast follower and labels you as a Muslim or a Hindu. Humans are collectively devolved and labelled commodities. ------ A regular columnist for New Age Islam, Sumit Paul is a researcher in comparative religions, with special reference to Islam. He has contributed articles to the world's premier publications in several languages including Persian. URL: https://www.newageislam.com/spiritual-meditations/one-enough-zakir-naik-mufti-tariq-masood/d/133507 New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism

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