Monday, October 21, 2024

Khwaja Sayyid Muhammad Hussaini Gesu Daraz: A Beacon of Spirituality in South India

By Sahil Razvi, New Age Islam 21 October 2024 Hazrat Khwaja Sayyid Muhammad Hussaini Gesu Daraz, A Revered Sufi Saint Of The Chishti Nizami Order, Spread Its Teachings In South India. Known For His Spiritual Wisdom And Scholarship, He Played A Crucial Role In Establishing Sufi Centers In The Deccan, Especially In Gulbarga Main Points: 1. Hazrat Gesu Daraz was a prominent Sufi of the Chishti Nizami order. 2. He traveled to South India, establishing numerous khanqahs. 3. He was a disciple of Hazrat Chiragh-e-Delhi and received spiritual succession from him. 4. Renowned for his scholarship and spiritual guidance, he authored several Islamic texts. 5. He settled in Gulbarga under the Bahmani Sultanate's invitation, where his influence grew. ------ Hazrat Khwaja Sayyid Muhammad Hussaini Gesu Daraz was a very venerated figure in the Chishti Nizami spiritual order and responsible for propagating the spiritual blessings of this lineage to the remotest corners of South India. Today, hundreds of Chishti khanqahs abound throughout the Deccan as a result of his effort and continue to flourish as a source of spirituality in the region. Lineage and Early Life Hazrat Gesu Daraz was born on 4th Rajab, 721 AH (30th July 1321 CE). His family belonged to the noble Sayyid family. His ancestor, Sayyid Ali Hussaini, had migrated from Herat to Delhi where he was buried near the currently-extinct "Anar Wali Masjid." Noble lineage ran all the way back to the Prophet Muhammad's family that deeply affected his spiritual journey. He migrated with his family to Daulatabad during the time of Sultan Muhammad bin Tughlaq in 1326 CE. At Daulatabad, his father died in 731 AH. Hakim Gesu Daraz received early education from his father and maternal grandfather who were disciples of Hazrat Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya. All these influences from family sown deep devotion to the saints in young Hazrat Gesu Daraz; those furthered the path of spirituality on which he would tread. Devotion to the Sayyids Being a true Sayyid, Hazrat Gesu Daraz respected the Sayyids to the maximum extent because they were the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He once said, these people who would look down on the Sayyids based on their genealogical lines alone would be remorseful on the Day of Reckoning. He is boastful of the fact that his acceptance did not come as he was the Sayyid but due to his knowledge, as he is the student of Hazrat Khwaja Nasiruddin Chiragh Dehlvi and also a man of spiritual qualities. He, through Quranic verses and Hadith, brought into highlight the sanctity of respecting the Prophet's family. Hazrat Gesu Daraz was known not only for his practical humility but was also spiritually humble. On one of his journeys to Pakpattan, he reached the shrine of Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Masood Ganj Shakar. He felt an important turning point there. When he did not respect Baba Farid's descendants as he was supposed to, he was spiritually unsatisfied. He was granted the full spiritual boons of Baba Farid after showing proper respects on his second visit. He was taught a lesson regarding reverence for the lineage of saints. Hazrat Gesu Daraz returned to Delhi in 736 AH (1335 CE) with his mother and elder brother Sayyid Hussain, who was also known as Chandan. On his return to his country, he met Hazrat Chiragh-e-Delhi, one of the most celebrated Chishti saints. He was immediately attracted to him and initiated by him on 16th Rajab, 736 AH. He went about vigorously engaging himself in the spiritual practices and study of Shariah, Tafsir, and Hadith under the guidance of Hazrat Chiragh-e-Delhi. His devotional and votive dedication towards his Murshid was so strong that Hazrat Chiragh-e-Delhi once commented that Hazrat Gesu Daraz reminded him of his own youthful spiritual endeavours. Although Hazrat Gesu Daraz still made every spiritual effort, his Murshid encouraged him to study the central Islamic texts. Through this, Hazrat Gesu Daraz eventually became one of the most knowledgeable scholars of his time. His compositions and writings have helped Chishtis upgrade their intellectual and spiritual mindscapes. His was thought of as the first intervention of a Chishti Saif ul Malook in composing books. Contribution to the Chishti Order Hazrat Chiragh-e-Delhi assigned spiritual succession to Hazrat Gesu Daraz a day before his death in 757 AH (1356 CE). This placed Hazrat Gesu Daraz as a torchbearer of the Chishti Nizami order. Unlike many others, he did not just contribute spiritually but played the role of creating the knowledge of the Chishti order and spreading it among people. In his private life, Hazrat Gesu Daraz was like a simple and humble person. He mostly wore loose clothes since he used to sweat a lot, and during the hot summer season, watered down lemon sherbet was his favourite. About 771 AH (1369 CE), he married the granddaughter of Maulana Jamaluddin Maghribi when he was fifty years of age. From this marriage, he had two sons-Sayyid Muhammad Akbar Hussaini, popularly known as Miyan Bade, and Sayyid Muhammad Asghar Hussaini, commonly known as Miyan Lahra-and three daughters. The Crisis: Timur's Invasion and Relocation to the Deccan This conquest of Delhi by Timur forced Hazrat Gesu Daraz and his family to leave the city in 1398 CE. He moved from Delhi through cities and towns and continued his mission spiritually. Thousands of people approached him with humility and joined his fold, seeking his blessings and spiritual guidance. He finally reached Daulatabad. At that place he was requested by the Sultan Feroz Shah Bahmani to start a stay in Gulbarga. Gulbarga was the capital of the Bahmani Sultanate. Hazrat Gesu Daraz agreed to the Sultan's invitation and settled at Gulbarga, which further entrenched spiritual and scholarly activities. Nobles and commoners, rich and poor, came to him with a call for blessings. His Khanqah turned into a spiritual learning center and guide for thousands who followed Sufism under his guidance. Final Years and Legacy Hazrat Gesu Daraz has been a great contributor towards the Chishti order and in efforts to spread spiritual blessings to South India. His death on Monday, 16th Dhul-Qi'dah 825 AH corresponding to 31st October 1422 CE was a consummation and as well be terminated but it went on to inspire millions of devotees throughout the Indian subcontinent with the guidance he had provided and the institutions he founded. In the hearts of his disciples, the spiritual light of Hazrat Gesu Daraz lives on. His legacy consists of devotion, scholarship, and the deepest commitment toward the spreading of the message of peace and unity in the Islamic tradition. Today, his dargah in Gulbarga is a beacon that draws those from all over the world seeking blessings, guidance, and solace in the teachings of this great Sufi master. ---- Sahil Razvi is an Author and Research scholar specialising in Sufism and History and an alumnus of Jamia Millia Islamia. URL: New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism

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