Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Ghulam Mohiyuddin’s “Proof of an Error” In The Quran

By Naseer Ahmed, New Age Islam 22 October 2024 GM sb, has repeatedly accused the Quran of containing errors and, as proof, pointed out to Wiki Islam or his idol Syed Kamran Mirza’s compilation of “errors” in the Quran. He has, however, shied away from the challenge of picking one, two or three of the best “proofs” of “errors” to make his point. He has now come up with one example as follows: Implying That the Earth Does Not Move Is an Error. Here Is an Elaboration from Mr. Mirza: "Quran-31: 29: Seest thou not that Allah merges Night into Day and He merges Day into Night; That He has subjected the Sun and moon (to His law), each running its course for a term (time) appointed. Quran-21: 33: It is He who created the Night and Day, And the Sun and Moon; each of them swim (float) along in its own course. Ayats mentioned above could be found over and over again and again in almost every page of the Quran. This is because Allah, standing in the open Arab desert, saw very well that every morning the SUN was rising from the east and gradually (at the appointed time) setting to the west, and as a result, day and night follow. Allah actually shared this misconception (the Sun moving) of pre-historic people. Every time Allah speaks of the Sun & Moon, he referred to Day & Night, as if it is due to the Sun’s movement that day and night follows. But surprisingly, all the hypocritical Mullahs give false credit to Allah by saying: Look, the Quran described the Sun’s movement 1400 years ago, which modern science only found out now. In the real world, the Sun takes 225 million years to make just one complete circle through the galaxy. And obviously this movement of the Sun has nothing to do with DAY & NIGHT of the earth. Actually, the Sun is stationary for the earth in a real sense, because the Earth is stuck in the giant gravitational force of the Sun. The Earth also moves along with the Sun wherever it goes, just the way that we are stuck to the Earth’s gravitational force and do not feel Earth’s movement at all. Why then, was Allah referring to the Sun’s movement again and again? I have already mentioned above, why Allah was mistaken about the Sun’s movements. Now dishonest Mullahs are claiming that this is science here. I wonder why Allah has to mention about the Sun’s 225 million year journey to tell about day and night? What does the Sun’s movement have to do with the day and night?" By Ghulam Mohiyuddin 20/10/2024 01:26:47 Rebuttal to the False Accusation Regarding the Quran’s Understanding of the Sun’s Movement The accusation that the Quran implies an erroneous view of the Sun’s movement as causing the day-night cycle misrepresents the actual message of the Quranic verses. The claim that the Quran adheres to a pre-scientific notion of the Sun’s movement affecting day and night fails to take into account the metaphorical language used in the scripture and its scientific compatibility. 1. Day and Night Are Not Caused by the Sun’s Movement The Quran clearly does not attribute the alternation of day and night to the movement of the Sun. Several verses demonstrate that the day-night phenomenon results from a process that does not depend on the Sun’s motion, but rather points to the Earth’s role in this alternation. Consider these verses: • Surah 38:32 — "Until the Sun was hidden in the veil (of night)." • Surah 92:1-2 — "By the Night as it conceals (the sun); By the Day as it appears in glory." • Surah 91:3-4 — "By the Day as it shows up the Sun’s glory; By the Night as it conceals it." • Surah 81:17-18 — "By the Night as it dissipates; And the Dawn as it breathes away the darkness." These verses emphasize that night conceals the Sun and day reveals it in its glory. The idea of the Sun being hidden during the night refers to the fact that something else is responsible for blocking the Sun’s light, and that something is the Earth itself. The Quran here hints at the Earth’s rotation as the cause of night and day. This understanding aligns with modern science, which confirms that the rotation of the Earth, not the movement of the Sun, causes the alternation of day and night. 2. The Quran Does Not Attribute Day and Night to the Sun’s Orbit The accusation that the Quran suggests the Sun’s movement as the direct cause of day and night is incorrect. The verses that speak of the Sun’s motion, such as Surah 21:33 — "It is He who created the Night and Day, And the Sun and Moon; each of them swim (float) along in its own course" — refer to the Sun’s cosmic path through space, which takes 225 million years to complete a single orbit around the galaxy. This motion has no bearing on the daily cycle of night and day on Earth. Had the Quran intended to explain the day-night phenomenon based on the Sun’s movement, it would have referred to a much shorter period, such as a day. However, the Quran refrains from giving a specific period for the Sun’s motion, likely because this cosmic journey spans such vast timescales — far beyond the ability of 7th-century humans to comprehend. 3. Indications of Earth’s Rotation in the Quran The Quran’s description of the Sun being concealed by night and revealed by day, as in Surah 38:32 and Surah 92:1-2, points directly to the concept of Earth’s rotation. It is the Earth that "conceals" the Sun during the night and reveals it again during the day. The consistent mention of night "hiding" the Sun and day "showing" its glory supports the understanding that the Earth’s rotation causes this alternation, a fact now established by modern science. For example: • Surah 91:4 — "By the Night as it conceals it" — is a clear metaphor that describes how the Earth’s rotation causes the Sun to disappear from view during night, without implying that the Sun itself is moving around the Earth to cause the change. Thus, the Quran’s metaphorical descriptions align perfectly with what we know today about the Earth’s rotation and how it governs the day-night cycle. 4. Why the Quran May Have Avoided Explicit Mention of Earth’s Rotation It is possible that the Quran deliberately avoided explicitly mentioning that the Earth’s rotation causes the day-night phenomenon because this idea would have been counterintuitive to people in the 7th century. Human beings do not experience the Earth’s movement directly, and such a claim could have been seen as highly unfamiliar or even incomprehensible to the people of that time. By focusing on metaphors that were compatible with people’s observations while leaving the deeper scientific truths implied, the Quran ensured that its core message was not rejected due to an idea that was beyond the understanding of the audience at the time. The Quran’s wisdom in using such an approach is evident. If the Quran had made direct statements about the Earth’s rotation causing day and night, people unfamiliar with this concept may have dismissed the message as false. Instead, the Quran presents descriptions that can be understood on multiple levels, allowing for deeper comprehension as human knowledge progresses. 5. The Sun’s Motion in a Broader Cosmic Context The Quran does speak of the Sun’s motion in verses like 21:33, but this is to highlight the grander cosmic order established by Allah, not to explain the alternation of day and night. The Sun’s motion, taking 225 million years to complete an orbit around the galaxy, is a cosmic truth far beyond the day-to-day experience of human life. The Quran does not need to mention this vast time period, but the absence of any specific time frame in the verses suggests that the Quran was not claiming that the Sun’s orbit is related to the daily cycle of night and day. 6. The Quran’s Scientific Compatibility Far from endorsing outdated views of the universe, the Quran uses metaphors that are scientifically compatible with what we know today. The claim that Allah misunderstood the Sun’s movement is based on a superficial reading of the verses. The Quran never says that the Sun’s motion causes the day-night cycle. Instead, it uses metaphors about concealing and revealing the Sun, which are perfectly aligned with the scientific fact that Earth’s rotation causes day and night. Furthermore, if the Quran had attempted to explain the Sun’s full motion through space, the enormity of the Sun’s 225-million-year journey would have been incomprehensible to its audience at the time. The Quran wisely focuses on observable signs while leaving room for deeper layers of understanding that humanity would discover later, such as the full extent of the Sun’s galactic orbit. Conclusion The claim that the Quran mistakenly attributes the alternation of day and night to the Sun’s movement is based on a misunderstanding of both the Quran’s metaphorical language and the scientific realities it alludes to. The Quran consistently hints at the Earth’s rotation as the cause of day and night, as evidenced by its descriptions of the Sun being concealed by the night and revealed by the day. The Sun’s motion, mentioned in other contexts, refers to its cosmic journey, which is distinct from the day-to-day experience of the Earth’s rotation. Far from containing scientific errors, the Quran’s descriptions are remarkably compatible with modern science, and its references to the Sun and Moon serve as signs to inspire reflection on the wonders of creation. The Quran’s avoidance of explicitly mentioning the Earth’s rotation may also have been a deliberate act of wisdom, ensuring that its message was not rejected by people unprepared for such scientific knowledge while still pointing to deeper truths that would be revealed in time. ----- A frequent contributor to NewAgeIslam.com, Naseer Ahmed is an Engineering graduate from IIT Kanpur and is an independent IT consultant after having served in both the Public and Private sector in responsible positions for over three decades. He has spent years studying Quran in-depth and made seminal contributions to its interpretation. URL: https://www.newageislam.com/debating-islam/proof-error-quran/d/133509 New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism

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