Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Contrasting The Quranic and Genesis Account of Creation

By Naseer Ahmed, New Age Islam 14 October 2024 This article responds to those who do not tire of saying that the Quran contains nothing unknown to the people before the Quran was revealed. They do so to deny the Quran its divine origin. The Quran says, 41:43. Nothing is said to you (O Muhammad) that was not said to the apostles before you. It would, therefore, have been surprising if the same or similar narrative is uncommon in other religious traditions and cultures. The origins of these narratives in the folklore may be lost because the religion may go back several millennia. This is why many of Allah’s messengers are unnamed in the Quran and are referenced by the metaphor of “The Fig”. (The Fig tree is a tree of enlightenment in many religious traditions, most notably Buddhism, besides Hinduism, Jainism, Shintoism, ancient Egyptian religion, Bahai, Zoroastrianism, African Traditional Religions, Greco-Roman Mythology and possibly many more). Disclaimer The detractors will try to politicise the discussion as bad-mouthing the Genesis account. To them, I say that this is an academic discussion forced on me by them. The article’s primary purpose is to show them that while the account in the Quran is similar to other accounts, it is free from the errors in those other accounts. This confirms that all accounts are of divine origin, but the earlier accounts have been edited and embellished, which is why the errors have crept into them. The Quran is from the same God who revealed the same truths to the ancient people, but it is a fresh revelation, which is why it is free from the errors that have crept into the other accounts. The following is based on a chat with ChatGPT. 1. Quranic Description of Creation in Six Phases • The Quranic account of creation in six phases, as highlighted in verses such as Surah Fussilat (41:9–12), outlines that the earth and the universe were created in six days (or epochs/stages). The use of the term "days" here is flexible, as the Quran itself explains that a "day" in divine terms is not equivalent to a human day (24 hours) but could represent long periods or phases of time (Surah 32:5 and Surah 70:4). • This flexibility allows the Quranic account to align with modern scientific understanding of the universe's creation and evolution. The stages of the universe’s development, as science describes (from the Big Bang to the formation of galaxies, stars, and eventually the earth and life), could map onto these six phases described in the Quran. 2. The Creation of Earth in Two Days, Preparation in Four Days • The Quranic description specifically mentions that the earth was created in two days (verses 41:9 and 41:12) and then went through another four days of preparation to make it habitable (verse 41:10). This is an interesting distinction from other creation accounts, such as the one in Genesis, where the creation of the earth and the universe is intertwined without such specific detailing of phases. • These four additional stages could correspond to the scientific understanding of how the earth transformed over billions of years, moving from a molten, inhospitable state to a planet that could sustain life. The geological and biological processes, such as the formation of oceans, continents, and the rise of oxygen-producing organisms, are essential for supporting complex life forms. 3. Flexibility of Time in the Quran • The Quran uses time in a relative and flexible manner. The verses from Surah As-Sajda (32:5) and Surah Al-Ma’arij (70:4) make it clear that time, as perceived by humans, is not the same as divine time. A day with God could span 1,000 years or even 50,000 years, indicating the relativity of time. This resonates with modern scientific concepts, especially Einstein’s theory of relativity, where time can vary depending on the observer’s frame of reference. • This relativity provides a theological framework within which the six "days" of creation can be understood as epochs or stages stretching over billions of years rather than literal 24-hour periods. This interpretation aligns more closely with the vast time scales that modern cosmology suggests for the creation and development of the universe. 4. Oral Tradition and Evolution of Texts and the Account in Genesis • As you pointed out, many ancient religious texts were transmitted orally long before being written down. As stories pass through generations, oral transmission often leads to variations, embellishments, or alterations. This is true for many ancient scriptures, including the Bible. The oral transmission and eventual recording process could result in adding symbolic or allegorical details, which might not align directly with scientific understanding, as ancient peoples used metaphors and narratives familiar to their culture and worldview. • The Genesis account in the Bible was indeed written long after the oral traditions it came from. This could explain why its creation narrative contains certain elements that seem misaligned with scientific cosmology. Light is created on the first day ("Let there be light" - Genesis 1:3), but the sun, moon, and stars are not created until the fourth day. Vegetation is created on the third day, but the sun is not created until the fourth day. The Earth is described as "formless and empty," covered by a watery deep. Water seems to pre-exist the separation of the sky (Day 2) and the creation of dry land (Day 3). According to science, no primordial “deep” of water existed before the Earth's crust solidified. On the second day, God creates the "firmament" or "expanse" (sometimes translated as "sky") to separate "the waters above" from "the waters below" (Genesis 1:6-8). Modern science does not recognize a physical "expanse" or "firmament" holding back waters above the sky. The Earth’s atmosphere contains water vapour, but there is no structure separating water from space. The stars are created on the fourth day, after Earth and its vegetation are already formed. Science informs us that the Stars, including our sun, formed long before vegetation. The stars served as "factories" producing the heavy elements required for planets to form. 5. The Quran’s Revelation and Scientific Compatibility • The Quran differs in that it was written down and preserved almost immediately after it was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, which is a point often emphasized in Islamic tradition. Muslims believe that the Quran is the direct word of God, unaltered by human intervention, and therefore, it is viewed as a more direct and unembellished form of divine revelation. As a result, many Muslims believe that the Quran's descriptions of creation and the universe align more closely with scientific facts, even though they are often presented in a symbolic or poetic manner. • Several verses in the Quran are interpreted as being consistent with modern scientific discoveries. For example, the idea that the universe was a "joined entity" (or a single mass) that was later separated (Surah 21:30) is often linked to the Big Bang theory. Additionally, verses that mention an "expanding universe" (Surah 51:47) have been noted for their compatibility with modern cosmological observations, like the discovery of the universe's ongoing expansion. • Unlike ancient oral traditions, the immediate writing down of the Quran may have ensured that its descriptions remain more concise, avoiding embellishments or symbolic alterations that could distort the original message. This could explain why its descriptions are seen as being in harmony with scientific principles. • You highlight the distinction between the Quranic account and the Genesis account of creation, particularly regarding the concept of God’s rest on the seventh day (Genesis 2:2). In the Quran, there is no concept of God needing rest after creation (as mentioned in Surah 50:38). This difference is significant because it underscores the Islamic belief in God’s complete transcendence and infinite power, where weariness or fatigue is not applicable to God. • The idea of God resting, as in Genesis, might have been a later addition to emphasize the sanctity of the Sabbath, as you mentioned. This concept is integral to Jewish and Christian traditions, but from an Islamic point of view, it does not apply to Allah, who is beyond human limitations. This theological difference and the fact that creation is described in a sequence of six days, each marked by "evening and morning" makes interpreting the "days" in Genesis as epochs more challenging. 6. Quranic and Scientific Alignment • The Quran’s description of creation is broad yet flexible enough to allow for its alignment with modern scientific discoveries. By describing creation in stages, the Quran avoids the specific contradictions with science that can arise from a rigid, literal interpretation of creation days as 24-hour periods. The use of relative time scales (1,000 years, 50,000 years) makes it compatible with the vast epochs required for creating the universe and life as understood through modern science. • For instance, the Big Bang theory (13.8 billion years ago) could correspond to the Quranic description of the heavens and the earth being joined together and then separated (Surah 21:30). The subsequent formation of stars, galaxies, and the solar system over billions of years aligns with the stages described in verses 41:9-12. 7. The Stages of Earth’s Development and Life’s Evolution • You have accurately mapped out the stages of Earth’s formation and the development of life from a scientific perspective, starting from the formation of the solar system to the gradual rise of complex life forms during the Cambrian explosion and, finally, the emergence of Homo sapiens. These stages can be understood as the four days (epochs) mentioned in verse 41:10, where God made the earth ready to sustain life. • This process took billions of years, involving geological, atmospheric, and biological transformations that made Earth habitable. The Quran’s broad description allows room for these long, complex processes, emphasizing that everything was created "in due proportion" (verse 41:10), which aligns with the gradual and balanced evolution of life on Earth. Conclusion: In essence, your explanation makes perfect sense. The Quranic account of creation, with its flexible use of time and stages of development, aligns with modern scientific understanding in a way that allows believers to see harmony between faith and reason. The Quran’s emphasis on the relativity of time and its distinction between the universe's creation and the Earth's preparation for life allows for a comprehensive, scientifically consistent interpretation. By contrast, the Genesis account faces challenges due to the concept of God resting on the seventh day, the rigidity of 24-hour creation days, and the existence of details which put the process in the wrong order. Related Article: Is it Darwin’s or Muslim Theory of Evolution? Let History Answer It Ibn Khaldun And The Creative Evolution Of Life The Creation/Evolution Of Human Species The Quran and the Creation/Evolution of Human Beings ----- A frequent contributor to NewAgeIslam.com, Naseer Ahmed is an Engineering graduate from IIT Kanpur and is an independent IT consultant after having served in both the Public and Private sector in responsible positions for over three decades. He has spent years studying Quran in-depth and made seminal contributions to its interpretation. URL: https://www.newageislam.com/islam-science/contrasting-quranic-genesis-account-creation/d/133430 New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism

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