Friday, October 18, 2024

Understanding Quranic Days as Phases of Divine Processes

By Naseer Ahmed, New Age Islam 18 October 2024 The concept of time and its measurement is central to human experience. We measure our days, months, and years from the sun's rising and setting, the moon's phases, and the Earth’s orbit around the sun. However, time in the Quran introduces a more profound and fluid dimension, where "days" are not limited to the Earth's rotation or orbit. Instead, a Quranic day reflects the span of an unfolding divine process, with durations that vary dramatically. Some Quranic days span a thousand years, others fifty thousand, while some remain undefined. As we delve into the Quranic descriptions of creation, judgment, and divine actions, we see these days as distinct phases encompassing entire processes —cosmological, theological, or metaphysical. This article explores the Quranic concept of a day as a phase of divine action. What Is A Day For Us? For us, a day is the time interval between sunrise and sunset. A night is the time interval between sunset and sunrise. The length of a day is not fixed and varies dramatically. In New York, for instance, the shortest day is about 9 hours in December, while the longest is over 15 hours in June. At the poles, days can last for six months. These variations remind us that the length of a day varies depending upon the Day and Month of the year and on one’s location on Earth. The point to remember is that a day is the time interval between sunrise and sunset for us. The time interval is not fixed and varies dramatically from a second to about six months. The Quranic Concept Of A Day For The Divine Processes The Quranic concept of a day is analogous and can vary dramatically depending on the context. A Quranic "day" is the time interval between the beginning and end of a process or a distinct phase in divine work. Let’s explore how this concept applies to key Quranic events, such as the universe's creation, the Earth's preparation for life, and the Day of Judgment. A Day as a Phase of Judgment: The Day of Judgment The Day of Judgment in the Quran refers to a future event where Allah will judge every person. The "day" here signifies a period where only judgment occurs. The time interval is “whatever it takes for the process to be completed”. In this case, a "day" represents the entire phase of divine judgment, emphasising that a Quranic day marks the process rather than a specific duration left unmentioned. A Day In Other Contexts (32:5) He rules (all) affairs from the heavens to the earth: in the end will (all affairs) go up to Him, on a Day, the space whereof will be (as) a thousand years of your reckoning. (70:4) The angels and the spirit ascend unto him in a Day the measure whereof is (as) fifty thousand years: The Six Days of Creation: Quranic and Scientific Perspectives The Quran mentions that Allah created the heavens and the earth in six days: "Say, ‘Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days...’" (Quran, 41:9) Modern science offers a framework of the universe's development that can be seen as complementary to these stages of creation. We can interpret these six "days" as phases of divine action, each corresponding to key events in the formation and development of the universe and the Earth. Stages 1 & 2: The Creation of the Universe in Two Days • Stage 1: The Big Bang (~13.8 Billion Years Ago) The universe began with the Big Bang, an event that rapidly expanded space, time, and matter from a singularity. Protons, neutrons, and the simplest elements like hydrogen and helium formed. This can be seen as the first day or phase of cosmic creation, initiating the universe's structure. • Stage 2: Formation Of Stars And Galaxies (~12-13 Billion Years Ago) After the initial expansion, regions of higher density collapsed under gravity, forming the first stars and galaxies. Early stars created heavier elements through nuclear fusion, which were spread across the cosmos by supernovae. The universe began to take on a structure similar to what we see today. This phase, leading to the establishment of galaxies and stars, marks the second day. Together, these two days represent the foundational phases of creation, as described in Quranic verses, corresponding to the creation of the heavens and the earth. Stages 3 to 6: The Gradual Evolution of the Earth Over Four Days After the initial creation, the Quran states that the Earth was prepared to sustain life in four days. Science identifies four major stages of Earth's evolution that reflect this gradual preparation for life: • Stage 3: Formation Of The Solar System (~4.6 Billion Years Ago) The Earth and the rest of the solar system formed from a collapsing molecular cloud rich in heavy elements from previous star generations. Earth formed as a molten rock through accretion. This corresponds to the third day. • Stage 4: The Hadean Eon (4.6 – 4.0 Billion Years Ago) Earth was a molten, hostile world during this period, slowly cooling and forming a solid crust. The formation of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans began, paving the way for the eventual emergence of life. This stage corresponds to the fourth day when Earth’s surface and atmosphere were being established. • Stage 5: The Archean Eon (4.0 – 2.5 Billion Years Ago) As Earth stabilised, the first signs of life emerged in the oceans as simple single-celled organisms. The Earth’s atmosphere still lacked oxygen, but life forms began to thrive in these early conditions. This period reflects the fifth day when basic life forms started to inhabit the Earth. • Stage 6: The Proterozoic Eon (2.5 Billion – 541 Million Years Ago) The rise of oxygen in the atmosphere and the appearance of more complex life forms mark this era. Photosynthesising organisms evolved, eventually leading to a dramatic increase in oxygen and the development of eukaryotic cells. Toward the end of this phase, multicellular organisms emerged, setting the stage for the Cambrian explosion of life. This is the sixth day when the Earth became fully prepared to support a diverse array of life. By the end of these six days or phases, the Earth was ready to sustain basic life and complex ecosystems that would eventually support humanity. Conclusion: Quranic Days as Divine Phases of Action Defining Quranic days as time intervals between the beginning and end of a process fits perfectly with how a Day is presented in the Quran. Whether it’s the Day of Judgment, the creation of the universe, or the preparation of the Earth for life, these "days" reflect processes unfolding in stages, not fixed periods. Each "day" marks the completion of a phase in Allah’s design. However, the definition of “Divine Day” remains consistent, marking the period between the beginning and the end of a divine process. It is analogous to our day, the flexible interval between sunrise and sunset, which also varies dramatically from time of the year to our location. ----- A frequent contributor to, Naseer Ahmed is an Engineering graduate from IIT Kanpur and is an independent IT consultant after having served in both the Public and Private sector in responsible positions for over three decades. He has spent years studying Quran in-depth and made seminal contributions to its interpretation. URL: New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism

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