Thursday, October 27, 2011

Issues and Challenges facing the Muslim World: How Green is My Valley?

Islam and Politics
27 Oct 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com
Issues and Challenges facing the Muslim World: How Green is My Valley?

By MJ Akbar

We Muslims lose the argument when we become either submissive-defensive, or aggressive-hysterical. There is a lot of space in-between. We need to establish that an alternative voice is not a hostile voice. A critical fact: the intellectual onslaught against Muslims started long before 9/11, it was not a reaction. Huntington wrote about a clash of civilisations seven years before 9/11. It was a time when almost every Muslim nation had supported America in the wars for the liberation of Afghanistan and Kuwait. To blame the neocons is not enough. We have to answer them.

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