….‘the Haqqani network, a terrorist organisation that is killing Americans in Afghanistan, is a veritable arm of the ISI’ — is an extraordinary declaration of intent to wage war against both. But the reaction in Pakistan has injected a dose of timely introspection in Washington. Instead of critiquing the Pakistani military for being complicit or incompetent in the OBL case, for making journalists “disappear” in Pakistan and for breaking bread with terrorists, Pakistanis have lined up behind their Army, and politicians of all shades, in opposition or government, secular or Islamist, are tripping over themselves to condemn America and vowing to fight it if it dared put boots- on- ground anywhere in Pakistan. This is a sure sign that anti- Americanism has conclusively upstaged anti- Indianism…… Both sides are working behind the scenes to repair the damage and get back on track because there is no other realistic option for either. But for how long?..Najam Sethi
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