Thursday, December 26, 2024

God’s Self-Revelation of Love Comes to All, But Not All Respond Equally

By Adis Duderija, New Age Islam 26 December 2024 “God’s self-revelation of love comes to all people in every moment of their lives, calling every person toward a vision of truth, beauty and goodness. This, does not mean, of course, that all people are equal in insight, sensitivity ,intelligence and responsiveness to the Divine. There surely are people with greater love, broader vision and greater foresight.” Bob Mesle To the secular individual or to those who subscribe to classical theisticworldview, the notion of God’s self-revelation to all people can seem quaint or blasphemous . And yet, the idea that God’s love is made manifest to all people, in every moment of their lives, is a core tenet of many of the world’s great religious and spiritual traditions. The philosopher Robert Mesle, in his essay “The God of Love”” eloquently expresses this belief, arguing that God’s self-revelation of love “comes to all people in every moment of their lives, calling every person toward a vision of truth, beauty, and goodness.” This does not mean, of course, that all people are equal in their insight, sensitivity, intelligence, and responsiveness to the divine. As Mesle acknowledges, “there surely are people with greater love, broader vision and greater foresight.” Some individuals, by virtue of their unique gifts, experiences, and life circumstances, are more attuned to the presence of the divine in their lives and more able to grasp the deeper truths and mysteries of existence. Consider, for example, the great mystics and spiritual adepts of history – figures like Rumi, Teresa of Ávila, Hildegard of Bingen, and Thich Nhat Hanh. Through their profound contemplation, unwavering devotion, and keen spiritual insight, these individuals were able to perceive the divine in ways that most of us can scarcely imagine. Their writings and teachings provide us with a glimpse into the boundless depths of God’s love and the ineffable beauty of the spiritual realm. Similarly, great philosophers, scientists, and artists, through their tireless exploration of the mysteries of the universe and the human condition, have often been conduits for divine revelation. Their ground-breaking ideas, breath-taking creations, and transformative insights have the power to inspire awe, wonder, and a deeper sense of connection to the sacred. And yet, even for those of us who may not possess such extraordinary gifts, the opportunity for profound spiritual awakening and growth is ever-present. As Mesle suggests, God’s self-revelation of love “comes to all people in every moment of their lives.” This means that the divine is not confined to the rarified realms of mysticism or high philosophy, but rather is manifest in the most ordinary, everyday experiences of our lives. Consider, for instance, the joy and wonder we feel when we witness the birth of a child, the majesty of a sunset, or the profound beauty of a work of art. In these moments, we are granted a glimpse into the underlying harmony and divinity that permeates all of creation. Or reflect on the deep sense of connection and belonging we experience when we engage in acts of compassion, kindness, and service to others. In these moments, we are participating in the very essence of God’s love, which calls us to see the divine spark in every human being. Of course, not everyone will respond to these divine revelations with the same level of insight, sensitivity, and responsiveness. As Mesle observes, “there surely are people with greater love, broader vision and greater foresight.” Some individuals, by virtue of their unique life experiences, personal inclinations, and spiritual development, will be more attuned to the presence of the divine and more capable of embracing its transformative potential. This does not mean, however, that those who are less responsive to the divine are somehow inferior or unworthy. Rather, it simply reflects the inherent diversity and complexity of the human experience. Just as each person is unique in their physical and intellectual gifts, so too are they unique in their spiritual capacities and proclivities. Indeed, one of the great gifts of the religious and spiritual traditions is their recognition of the infinite variety of paths that lead to the divine. Whether one is drawn to the contemplative practices of mysticism, the ethical teachings of philosophy, the creative expression of the arts, or the practical service of compassion and social justice, there is a place for each person to find their own unique way of connecting with the sacred. Moreover, it is important to recognize that even for those who may seem less responsive to the divine, the opportunity for spiritual growth and transformation is always present. Through the cultivation of practices like prayer, meditation, study, and service, individuals can gradually open themselves to the transformative power of God’s love and deepen their understanding of the sacred. Ultimately, the message of Mesle’s essay is one of profound hope and optimism. Despite the many challenges and difficulties that we face in the modern world, the divine light of God’s love continues to shine forth, illuminating our lives and calling us toward a vision of truth, beauty, and goodness. And while not all may respond to this call with equal insight and sensitivity, the opportunity for spiritual awakening and transformation is ever-present, awaiting those who have the courage to open their hearts and minds to the infinite mystery and wonder of the sacred. ------ Checkout Dr. Adis Duderija’s personal website at: A decades old patron of New Age Islam, Dr Adis Duderija is a Senior Lecturer in the Study of Islam and Society, School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science; Senior Fellow Centre for Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue, Griffith University | Nathan | Queensland | Australia. His forthcoming books are (co-edited) - Shame, Modesty, and Honour in Islam and Interfaith Engagement beyond the Divide (Springer) URL: New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism

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