Friday, February 21, 2025
Earthquakes, Scientific Facts and Myths
By Sardar Nasir Aziz Khan, New Age Islam
21 February 2025
1. Earthquakes are the result of movements of tectonic plates
2. Earthquakes are not linked to supernatural powers.
3. Japan has built earthquake resistant houses and bridges.
4. Illiteracy and superstition in Muslim society leads to unscientific beliefs about earthquakes.
5. Jammu & Kashmir is among the most earthquake prone zones of the world.
In order to conceal his ignorance, lack of knowledge and his weaknesses, man takes help of such arguments that do not prove his thesis. Today as I woke up, I saw a post on social media and I could not help writing this piece. It should be recalled that on the 15th of February, tremors were felt in Islamabad and its suburbs and in Azad Kashmir. Someone wrote, "Contemplate on why the earthquakes occur” and the answer was given: "Due to the bad deeds of the people." So let's see why we come across such posts despite the presence of scientific facts and scientific progress.
It is true that ignorance and illiteracy has existed in every age but the scientific research, experiments and persistent struggle of man has nurtured man's intellect and thought. It will continue because change and evolution cannot be stopped. Study, knowledge and research lead us to truth and help us to get rid of conservative ideas.
The countries which promoted modern sciences and valued knowledge and research, reached the pinnacle of development whereas countries that did not value knowledge and research still intellectually live in the Stone Age despite the fact that the people of these countries use modern gadgets and travel in luxurious cars and aeroplanes. They are perhaps not to blame. The industrialists need consumers for their products but the consumers need not be intellectuals. Therefore, global imperial forces and their henchmen are always afraid of the people's awakening. According to a well-thought out plan, a curriculum and an education system has been imposed on us that produces degree holders without professional proficiency and aptitude.
Lack of industries and employment opportunities, n Azad Kashmir compel people to migrate. People have built concrete buildings and have purchased expensive gadgets with their hard earned money from abroad apart from benefitting their relatives and friends but since our education system does not conform to the needs of modern times, the people are devoid of rational thinking and are unaware of philosophy and modern sciences. In a country where the education system does not conform to modern standards, where buying books is considered a waste of money, how could its people have knowledge of philosophy and modern sciences. On the one hand, the world is using hypersonic technology, stealth missiles, fifth generation drones and artificial intelligence and on the other, the authorities in our country sell the dream of conquering the world to the youth by parading masqueraded armed men on horses in the streets, and some simpletons buy the dream.
In a society where one does not appreciate being called a good man rather gets angry but feels flattered on being called a lion or a tiger, no rocket science is needed to gauge the level of illiteracy and ignorance. In a society where women are still not considered equal to men, their being happy on being called a tiger should not be surprising. Women have left these self-proclaimed knights and obscurantists far behind in the field of education.
Earthquakes are the most powerful phenomenon of nature and are the result of the geological forces active in the formation of our earth. As science links it to the movements of tectonic plates, various cultures have linked them to supernatural forces and beliefs. This article is an attempt at shedding light on the scientific causes of earthquakes, fictional traditions found in various regions and the situation in the quake prone areas in South Asia, particularly in Jammu and Kashmir.
The outermost layer of the earth, (Lithosphere) consists of many parts called tectonic plates. These plates swim on semi-liquid inner part (Asthenosphere) ad keep colliding, separating or sliding. These movements are of three types. First, mountainous borders as the mountainous series on the Pacific Ocean where plates separate. Second confronting borders where plates collide and push into each other or form hilly series (like the Himalayas). Thirdly, changing borders where plates slide horizontally (San Andrea’s falt).
The pressure and friction on these borders produces energy which stirs the earth's surface resulting in earthquake. The centre of the earthquake (focus) and its surface point (epicentre) determines its intensity and effects. Across the world, 90 per cent of earthquakes occur in the Ring of Fire (Pacific Ocean area) and Alpine-Himalayas belt which includes South Asia.
Earthquakes are basically the result of the movement of the tectonic plates but small tremors can also be felt due to the eruption of volcanoes and human activities. Although accurate predictions of earthquakes are not possible presently, scientists mark quake-prone areas and seismic gap on the basis of historical data. For example, regions like Jammu & Kashmir where Eurasian plates continuously collide face greater risk of earthquakes.
In history, various religions and civilisations have linked earthquakes to supernatural and spiritual powers. For example, in Kashmir the myth that an ox has lifted the earth on one of his horns. When it gets tired, it shifts the earth on its other horn. It causes earthquake. Similarly, in Japan, the earth is believed to be placed on a big fish called Namazu. When the fish moves its tail, earthquake happens. A god called Kashima controls the fish but when the god loses attention, the fish moves and earthquake occurs. In Greece mythology, earthquakes are attributed to the god of oceans, Eusidon which was also called Earth shaker. When Usidon hit its pronged spear on the earth, or caused tremor in the ocean in anger, earthquake occurred. In ancient India, it was popular belief that the earth was placed on the back of an elephant which stood on a tortoise. When the elephant moved its trunk and legs, earthquake occurred. Similarly, in Arab and some South Asian countries and in some rural societies, earthquakes are believed to be the wrath of gods or punishment for bad deeds. That's what the gentleman wrote on social media. Although these stories are fictitious, they played an important role in weakening the scientific thought in modern times.
Dear readers, Jammu & Kashmir is among the most earthquake prone regions of the world due to the collision of Indian and Eurasian plates. The 2005 earthquake in Kashmir (7.6 Richter scale) causing more than 80,000 deaths exposed faulty buildings, lack of knowledge about earthquakes and the absence precautionary measures. The global fraternity donated 6.2 billion dollars to the victims of the earthquake but the majority of the victims have not received the money even after two decades. Billions of dollars were spent on the salary of the personnel of organisations formed for the relief of the earthquake victims or on corruption. People built houses on the rubble of their destroyed houses on their own without any plan which may cause another tragedy in future.
The Jammu & Kashmir region comes under seismic zone V where scientists have predicted 8.0+ Richter scale earthquake in future. In anticipation, work needs to be done on the basis of modern science and contingency.
Although man cannot predict earthquakes presently, steps should be taken to minimise damage and loss due to earthquakes. Japan is a good example in this regard where every year hundreds of earthquakes take place, some of them being severe.
Japan has built quake-proof houses, bridges and roads which incur minimum damage by earthquakes. People also remain safe.
I should point out here that the Japanese are famous for their honesty, high moral values and high quality products. If the earthquakes were really the punishment for bad deeds, earthquakes would perhaps not occur in Japan and particularly in the Pacific Ocean because the fish are above sins and virtues.
It becomes therefore clear that earthquakes, windstorms, floods and volcanoes are not the result of divine anger of supernatural powers but are the result of geological processes which have nothing to do with religion or moral values. The concept that earthquakes or other natural calamities happen only in a particular season is only a whim. These calamities can occur in any part of the year.
One can be sure that the society cannot be safe without rejecting unscientific stories. In a region, like South Asia, the construction of quake-resistant buildings, mass awareness campaigns and a system of rapid response is the need of the hour. Particularly, in sensitive areas like Jammu & Kashmir, all residential buildings, schools, hospitals and bridges should be upgraded to avoid destruction by earthquakes in future.
Earthquakes are an essential part of nature and it would be wise to understand them and be prepared to face them. Regions of cultural importance like Jammu & Kashmir can make effective steps with scientific temperament while protecting their tradition. Remember, earthquakes are the language of the earth or the nature. It is imperative for us to understand the language and take solid steps on scientific basis to ensure a safe future.
Reforms are also needed in our educational curriculum on an emergency basis. Modern scientific education, philosophy, computer education, AI, geology, cosmology, global warming and climate change should be included in the syllabus. Obscurantist theories and fictitious narratives not only promote ignorance but also fan religious hatred and extremism. Serious and long term measures are imperative to end such trends because the real reform and development of the society is possible only through the promotion of modern sciences. It is the need of the hour to light up the candle of rationality and promote scientific research and education and lay the foundation of a bright, safe and solid future.
New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism
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