Monday, September 23, 2024

Shrine of Shah Wilayat: Where Scorpions and Snakes Show Unfailing Compassion

By Sahil Razvi, New Age Islam 23 September 2024 The Shrine of Hazrat Shah Wilayat in Amroha Is Famed for Its Non-Aggressive Scorpions, Reflecting The Saint's Miraculous Power and Message of Love Main Points: 1. The shrine of Hazrat Syed Hussain Shah Sharfuddin in Amroha is renowned for its scorpions, which do not sting visitors. 2. It is believed that with Shah Wilayat’s permission, scorpions taken from the shrine will not harm for a set period. 3. Shah Wilayat arrived in Amroha from Iraq in 1272 CE, and since then, no scorpions have harmed anyone at the shrine. 4. Folk tales link Shah Wilayat’s arrival with the miraculous behaviour of scorpions and snakes. 5. The shrine symbolizes love and humanity, attracting visitors from all religions. Shahe Wala Sharafe Deen Hain Ye Ke Jinse Amroha Jagmagaye Hazaaron Dargah Mein Saanp-Bichchu Magar Kisi Ko Na Kaat Khaye (He is Shah-e-Wala Sharfuddin, whose presence illuminates Amroha In the shrine, there are thousands of snakes and scorpions, but none should bite anyone) ~Abdur Rab Chaush Shrine of Shah Wilayat ------ India is the land of Sufi saints. Thousands of Sufis came here, and each had their own unique miracles. Some Sufis displayed miracles during their lifetime, while some revered saints continue to perform miracles even after leaving this world. Yes, we are talking about the shrine of Hazrat Syed Hussain Shah Sharfuddin. Located about 130 kilometres from Delhi, in the district of Amroha, Uttar Pradesh, lies a unique shrine known as the 'Bichchoo Wali Ziyarat' (The Shrine of Scorpions). This shrine is situated on Bijnor Road and houses the tomb of Hazrat Syed Hussain Sharfuddin Shah Wilayat. The most remarkable aspect of this shrine is that the poisonous scorpions found here do not harm humans; instead, they carry a message of love. However, regarding harmful animals, Islamic Sharia states that if they come to harm you, you are allowed to break your prayer and kill them. It is said that the scorpions present at Shah Wilayat’s shrine do not sting anyone. This might sound unbelievable, but the shrine's caretakers and visitors testify to it. According to the followers of the shrine, if you take these scorpions home with Hazrat Shah Wilayat’s permission, they won’t harm you. However, if the permission is granted for a duration of 8 days, the scorpions will not sting within that period, but after it ends, they will become dangerous again. This miracle has continued for the past 800 years, and those who witness it are left astonished. A devotee holding a scorpion in his hand ----- Many folk tales are associated with this shrine. According to Shakeel Ahmed, one of the shrine's caretakers, when Shah Wilayat arrived in Amroha from Iraq in 1272 CE, another Sufi saint named Shah Nasruddin was already residing there. He requested Shah Wilayat to leave, as the region already had several Sufi saints. He also mentioned that the area was infested with many snakes and scorpions, which would make it impossible for Shah Wilayat to stay. To this, Shah Wilayat responded, "They do not sting in my presence." Since then, the scorpions have not stung anyone. Even if someone brings a scorpion from outside, it will not harm anyone once it enters the shrine. A regular visitor to the shrine, Mohammad Rashid, shared his experience, saying that he frequently visits Shah Wilayat’s shrine and finds spiritual solace there. According to him, the stories about the scorpions at the shrine are absolutely true, they do not sting anyone. A few kilometres away from Hazrat Shah Wilayat’s shrine is another shrine of Hazrat Shah Nasruddin, where it is believed that lost donkeys and horses find their way to. If the owners visit the shrine and pray, they find their animals returned to them. Hasan Mohammad Abidi, another caretaker of the shrine, mentioned that one of the miracles of the shrine is that horses and donkeys do not defecate within the shrine’s premises. Hazrat Shah Wilayat arrived in Amroha in the 12th century. According to scholars, he came to Amroha on 2 Zil Hijjah, 670 Hijri (29th June 1272 CE), along with his father, Syed Meera Ali Buzurg, and other family members from Iraq via Multan. This was during the reign of Sultan Gheyasuddin Balban. However, some scholars believe that the family arrived in Amroha in 690 Hijri, during the reign of Sultan Jalaluddin Firoz Shah Khilji. Shah Wilayat received his early education at home, focusing on the Quran and Hadith. In spiritual matters, he was guided by Syed Jalaluddin, Syed Bahauddin, and Maulana Nasihuddin Suhrawardi. People from all religions admired him for his piety and knowledge. The shrine of Hazrat Shah Wilayat stands as a symbol of love and humanity. The behaviour of the scorpions here reflects the miraculous power of this saint, whose blessings have taught even the creatures to love humans. ----- Sahil Razvi is an author and research scholar specialising in Sufism and history. He is an alumnus of Jamia Millia Islamia URL: New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism

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