Thursday, June 13, 2024

Spreading Global Peace Is an Essential Part of Islam

By Kaniz Fatma, New Age Islam 13 June 2024 Islamic Teachings Encourage Muslims to Spread Peace and Work Towards Resolving Conflicts Through Dialogue, Cooperation, And Empathy Main Points: 1. The Hadith experts carefully crafted chapter titles to emphasize the crucial role of spreading peace in Islam 2. Imam Bukhari emphasized the importance of self-justice, global peace, and charity and generosity in promoting harmony 3. Islam is a religion that champions peace and security globally, and those who advocate for terrorism under the guise of Islam are not genuine adherents. 4. Hazrat Ammar, a prominent Sahabi in Islam, endured hardship and mistreatment but imparted teachings on the traits of Islam and encouraged global peace. ------ Spreading global peace is deeply embedded in the core values of Islam, where the promotion of harmony and unity among all individuals and communities is emphasized. The teachings of Islam not only advocate for the importance of peace within individuals but also extend this notion to a broader global scale. It emphasizes the significance of fostering understanding, compassion, and respect for diversity in order to establish a peaceful coexistence among people of different faiths and backgrounds. Islamic teachings encourage Muslims to spread peace and work towards resolving conflicts through dialogue, cooperation, and empathy. Through the practice of tolerance and forgiveness, individuals can cultivate a peaceful environment that transcends borders and unites humanity under the common goal of peaceful cohabitation. By embodying the principles of justice, equality, and social responsibility, followers of Islam contribute to the betterment of society and the world at large. Moreover, the concept of spreading global peace in Islam extends beyond mere words or gestures and encompasses proactive efforts to address the root causes of discord and injustice. It encourages Muslims to engage in acts of kindness, charity, and community service to alleviate suffering and promote the values of peace and compassion. By actively participating in initiatives that promote social justice, equality, and mutual respect, Islam underscores the importance of building bridges of understanding and cooperation among nations and peoples. In essence, Islam considers the promotion of global peace as a fundamental duty incumbent upon all believers, reflecting the universal message of love, tolerance, and unity that lies at the heart of this faith. Embracing these values and ideals enables individuals to contribute positively to the ongoing quest for a more peaceful, just, and harmonious world. The Hadith experts, known as the Muhaddesin, carefully crafted the chapter titles in the Hadith collections to emphasize the crucial role of spreading peace. One notable example is Imam Bukhari, who encapsulated three fundamental teachings within this thematic framework. Firstly, he emphasized the importance of self-justice, urging individuals to maintain fairness and integrity in their own actions. Secondly, the promotion of global peace stood as a significant directive, underscoring the universal message of harmony and cooperation within the Islamic faith. Thirdly, Imam Bukhari highlighted the importance of charity and generosity, especially in times of financial constraints, stressing the obligation to support those in need within society. This includes providing essential resources such as food, clothing, and shelter to the less fortunate, thereby embodying the values of compassion and solidarity advocated by Islam. Through these teachings, Imam Bukhari and other scholars paved the way for a society rooted in justice, peace, and altruism, where individuals strive to uphold the principles of Islamic teachings through their actions towards others, particularly the vulnerable and marginalized. By striking a balance between self-care, global harmony, and social welfare, these teachings exemplify the holistic approach of Islam towards fostering a community founded on empathy, kindness, and mutual support, thereby embodying the essence of Islamic values and principles. The complete title of the chapter in Sahih Bukhari is as follows: Chapter: To spread peace is a part of Islam: and Ammar said, Whoever possesses three qualities possesses all of Iman; treating oneself with justice, spreading peace to all people and spending [in charity and channels of good] even when he is poor.” In this chapter, Imam Bukhari has cited the statement of the revered Hazrat Ammar. Hazrat Ammar was born to Hazrat Yasir and Hazrat Sumayya, and he also embraced Islam despite facing threats from the pagans of Makkah. Hazrat Sumayya's steadfast dedication to her faith in Islam faced severe opposition from Abu Jahl, who aimed to crush her faith with brutal assaults, culminating in her death as a martyr. Even in the face of severe persecution, Hazrat Sumayya remained resolute in her faith, emerging as a strong emblem of determination and bravery in the initial periods of Islam. Her death not only established her as the first martyr of Islam but also highlighted the unshakeable resolve that characterized the early challenges of the religion. Through the lens of Hazrat Ammar's family, we can gain a great understanding of the hardships endured by the early Muslims who persevered in the face of hardship. Thus, Hazrat Ammar and his family's narrative serves as a beacon of inspiration, illustrating the transformative power of unwavering faith amid the most trying circumstances, resonating across generations as a testament to the enduring strength of the human spirit in the pursuit of truth and righteousness. Hazrat Ammar and his father endured intense agony, forced to lie on the scorching, uneven terrain, their nerves rattled by the intensity of the suffering. Once the tyrants of Makkah threw Hazrat Ammar into the fire. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) raised his hands in prayer and said, O Fire, cool down on Ammar as you cooled down on Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him). Hazrat Ammar, a prominent Sahabi in Islam, endured significant hardship and mistreatment in Makkah. Despite this, he imparted remarkable teachings on the traits of Islam, encouraging Muslims to spread global peace. Reflecting on Hazrat Ammar's words as cited in the title of Sahih Bukhari, it becomes clear that Islam is a religion that champions peace and security globally, firmly stating that Islam condemns terrorism. Thus, those who advocate for terrorism under the guise of Islam are not genuine adherents of the faith. According to Hazrat Ammar, it is important to treat oneself fairly. What does this entail? Someone who treats themselves fairly will naturally act in a fair manner. It is emphasized that fairness should not be influenced by fear, external pressure, others' suggestions, or bias, but rather, it should be pursued for the sake of fairness itself. Allah will be pleased with someone who truly practices fairness. Another crucial element of Hazrat Ammar's statement emphasizes the significance of not only advocating for peace through words but also demonstrating this virtue through actions and one's genuine character. In essence, his message reiterates the vital role individuals play in fostering harmony and goodwill among all members of society. Encouraging people to embrace a mindset of peace extends beyond just surface-level conversations, calling for a deep commitment to embodying peaceful principles in all facets of life. This principle underscores the idea that peace is not a passive concept but an active practice that requires individuals to manifest kindness, understanding, and empathy in their interactions with others. By embodying peace through their behavior and attitudes, individuals have the power to create a positive ripple effect that can inspire others to adopt the same peaceful approach in their own lives. Ultimately, Hazrat Ammar's message serves as a reminder that true peace can only be achieved through a concerted effort to translate noble intentions into tangible, compassionate actions that uplift and unite all people in a spirit of harmony and mutual respect. The third important aspect of Hazrat Ammar’s statement involves spending resources in the way of Allah, even when faced with financial difficulties. This concept highlights that Islam is a faith rooted in humanity and kindness. It sheds a spotlight on the paramount significance of extending care and support to the downtrodden and destitute members of society. Spending in the welfare of those in need is, in essence, spending in the cause of Allah. This clearly indicates that Allah is deeply fond of these individuals in need, to the extent that He views those who meet their needs as righteous spenders in His divine plan. The act of spending resources in the path of righteousness, especially when one's own financial situation is challenging, exemplifies a display of profound faith and devotion to the principles of compassion and equity deeply ingrained in Islamic teachings. Hence, it illuminates the divine connection between demonstrating kindness and selflessness towards the less fortunate and receiving spiritual blessings and rewards from the Almighty. ------ Kaniz Fatma is a classic Islamic scholar and a regular columnist for New Age Islam. URL: New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism

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