Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Call For Establishment Of Caliphate In Germany Amid Pro-Palestine Demonstrations Across The World

By New Age Islam Staff Writer 1 May 2024 The Muslim Interaktiv By Demanding Caliphate And Abolition Of Democracy In Germany Where Muslims Form Only 6 Per Cent Of Population Will Only Promote Militant And Terrorist Acts Because The Majority Will Never Accept An Islamic Caliphate Main Points: 1. Muslim Interaktiv affiliated to banned Hizbut Tahreer organises rally in Hamburg. 2. The protesters demanded Islamic caliphate in Germany. 3. They demanded abolition of democracy. 4. They also protested against the Islamophobic reporting in the media. 5. Muslim Interaktiv also organised protest against Quran burning in Sweden. ------ More than 1,000 people participated in a demonstration in the northern German city on Saturday, holding up posters with slogans like "caliphate is the solution" and calling for the introduction of Sharia law. | Kirill Kudryavtsev/AFP via Getty Images ---- On Saturday 27th April, a radical group Muslim Interaktiv, affiliated to the banned organisation Hizbut Tahreer organised a protest meeting in Hamburg in Germany. They protested against Islamophobic reporting in the national media but the main purpose of the meeting was to demand the establishment of Caliphate and abolition of democracy in Germany. About 1100 Muslims including 80 burqa clad women joined the protests. Some of them held banners that read 'Caliphate is the solution'. Some of them wore hoodies that read 'caliphate'. The leader of the group is a 25 year old student named Joe Adade Boateng. He also calls himself Raheem Boateng. He regularly posts radical views on social media.The group Muslim Interaktiv is influenced by the ideology of Hizbut Tahreer which advocated the use of force for political goals. The organisation was banned in Germany in 2003. Muslim Interaktiv was founded in 2020. Since then it has organised meetings on various issues. In February 2023, it organised a protest meeting against Quran burning in Sweden. It also held a meeting in St. George in October. The main objective of the group is to establish an Islamic caliphate in Germany. It should be noted that the Muslim population in Germany is only 6 per cent but the group wants Islamic caliphate there. Earlier, the terrorist group ISIS established its so-called caliphate in Syria and Iraq. During their rule, the ISIS committed massacre of both Muslims and Christians and raped women and enslaved them.They unleashed a reign of terror in the region and destroyed the whole region, forcing millions of Muslims to seek asylum in European countries including Germany. The group held a rally demanding caliphate in Germany at a time anti-Israel and pro-Palestine demonstrations are taking place around the world including Germany. In Germany, pro-Palestine demonstrations took place since October 2023 in which a majority of German people irrespective of religion participated and demanded ceasefire. Three days ago, the police forcefully removed a protest camp before the German Parliament in Berlin. Pro-Palestine demonstrations have taken place in the US, UK, France and other European countries as well. Most of the participants of the protests are Christians who are demanding ceasefire in Gaza along with the Muslims. But the rally organised by the Muslim Interaktiv raised a communal and illogical issue of establishment of Islamic caliphate that may cause polarisation among the people and weaken the cause of Palestine. Therefore, the group though criticises Israel, in practice its actions may benefit Israel. The whole world is united against Israel on the issue of the occupation of Gaza by Israel and the ongoing genocide by Israel. If the group Muslim Interaktiv were really concerned with the victimised and besieged people of Gaza they would have joined the protests held before the German Parliament together with the German people instead of holding a separate rally alienating the German people on a communal issue. The purpose seems to be dividing the public opinion on the Israel-Gaza issue than uniting Muslims. Caliphate, in fact, is an ideological slogan adopted by the ISIS to gain the sympathy and support of the Muslims as the Muslims have an emotional attachment to it. The first four caliphs of Islam are held in great reverence by the Muslims and therefore, the Muslims believe that caliphate is the ideal form of government. Shah Waliullah strengthened this belief by writing a book on the issue. The ISIS knew this and therefore adopted the caliphate as an ideological slogan. But in fact, the Quran does not prescribe caliphate as a form of government. It only stresses on good governance irrespective of the form of government. Since Muslim Interaktiv also demands the establishment of caliphate, it may be inferred that it is affiliated to the ideology of the ISIS and wants to mobilise the support of German Muslims to expand its base in the country. After its mask was taken off in the middle east, the ISIS started conducting terrorist acts in Sri Lanka, Philippines, Afghanistan, Iran, Russia and other places. It has also come to the light that it is a proxy organisation created to serve the political interests of the US and Israel. The Muslim Interaktiv by demanding Caliphate and abolition of democracy in Germany where Muslims form only 6 per cent of population will only promote militant and terrorist acts because the majority will never accept an Islamic caliphate. The rise of militancy in the name of caliphate will only harm the German Muslims as the German government will formulate laws to curb militancy in the country and tighten immigration laws. The political parties of Germany will also demand harsher laws for Muslims putting the peaceful Muslim community of the country in jeopardy. Radical and militant groups like Muslim Interaktiv, Hizbut Tahreer, ISIS and Al Qaida have only harmed the Muslims worldwide and are tools of the imperialist forces. Therefore, Muslims should not fall in the trap laid down by these organisations. URL: New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism

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