Sunday, November 27, 2011

Any Punishment for Apostasy, Let Alone Capital Punishment, is Anti-IslamicIslamic Sharia Laws 26 Nov 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com Any Punishment for Apostasy

Islamic Sharia Laws
26 Nov 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com
Any Punishment for Apostasy, Let Alone Capital Punishment, is Anti-Islamic

By Muhammad Yunus,

1. Universality of the concept of Islam and of the criterion of divine judgment.

The Qur’an’s use of the noun Islam and its other roots (asslama, Muslim) demonstrates that members of all faith communities – Christians, Jews, and others – regardless of whether or not they are mentioned in the Qur’an (4:164, 40:78) belong to the universal din (way of life) of Islam that espouses submission (orienting oneself, asslama) to God and doing good deeds. The followers of the Prophet Muhammad are also given this name. “Indeed! Whoever commits (asslama) his whole being to God, and does good deeds - will get his reward from his Lord. There will be no fear upon them nor shall they grieve” (2:112).

2 There is no compulsion in religion.

The Qur’anic spirit of religious pluralism, intrinsic to the universality of the concept of the Islam (1 above) is reflected in its following pronouncements on the freedom of religion: “(There is) no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clearly from falsehood; so whoever rejects false deities and believes in God, has grasped a firm handhold, which never breaks.

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