Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Pulwama Suicide Attack and Fatwa by Pakistani Ulama: Still a Call for Accountability

By Ghulam Ghaus Siddiqi, New Age Islam 9 July 2024 Indian Ulama Should Regularly Counter the Anti-India Narrative Perpetuated by Pakistani Ulama This Article Examines the Historical Context and Implications Of An Old Fatwa Issued By Certain Pakistani Ulama, Which Emphasizes The Sanctity Of Human Lives And Prohibits Killing Non-Muslims Within Islamic Nations. However, A Critical Examination Reveals Elements Advocating for Violence in The Name of A "Struggle for Freedom" In Kashmir. The Article Calls for A Nuanced Analysis of Such Rhetoric, Considering The Socio-Political Complexities and Ethical Dilemmas of Justifying Violence for Political Ends. By Examining Both the Commendable and Contentious Aspects of the Fatwa, A Deeper Understanding of the Intersection Between Religious Doctrine, Political Ideology, And Human Rights in Conflict Zones Is Sought. ------ Pulwama was the single deadliest attack in Indian-controlled Kashmir since 1989 ------ Several years in the past, within the bustling city of Lahore, located in Pakistan, a significant event unfolded that sparked discussions among scholars and Ulama hailing from various sects. As reported by BBC Urdu, this particular moment gave rise to a coordinated effort, resulting in the issuance of a pivotal fatwa. This pronounced religious edict deliberated upon and emphasized a resolute position asserting the unequivocal prohibition of engaging in suicide attacks within the public domain of the Islamic state. This collective undertaking marked a watershed moment in the ongoing discourse within the religious spheres, prompting contemplation and deep reflection among adherents and scholars alike regarding the sanctity of human life and the ethical boundaries within the purview of Islamic teachings. The reverberations of this pivotal fatwa echoed far and wide, serving as a beacon of ethical standards and a call for unity in upholding the sacred tenets that underpin the faith. This potent declaration not only drew attention to the necessity of preserving peace and safeguarding human life but also underscored the collective responsibility incumbent upon the community to uphold the principles of compassion, tolerance, and understanding in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. The fatwa, with its gravity and authority, unequivocally proclaimed that individuals who engaged in such violent acts were to be deemed as going against the very essence and teachings of Islam. This decisive proclamation aimed to uphold peace and stability within the community, emphasizing the sanctity of life and the preservation of mutual respect among individuals. It served as a poignant reminder of the values that unite the people of faith, underscoring the importance of compassion, understanding, and the rejection of violence as a means of conflict resolution. The issuance of this fatwa not only stood as a testament to the collective wisdom and moral consciousness of the scholars and Ulama involved but also resonated profoundly across the broader Islamic community, reinforcing the principles of harmony, coexistence, and the rejection of extremism. In a solemn declaration, Mufti Muneebur Rahman made a significant announcement regarding the issuance of a fatwa tailored specifically for the current circumstances prevailing in Pakistan. The decision to decree this fatwa stems from the grim reality of rampant violence that has plagued the nation for over a decade and a half. Reflecting on the grim toll of the past fifteen years, the country has borne witness to a distressing number of killings, many of which have occurred in brutal attacks involving bomb blasts targeting public spaces and religious sanctuaries alike. The gravity of these incidents prompted the esteemed Mufti Muneeb to take a firm stance through the issuance of this fatwa, denouncing the wanton bloodshed that has marred the peace and security of the land. This religious edict serves as a clarion call to end the cycle of violence that has brought untold suffering to communities across Pakistan, emphasizing the sanctity of life and the imperative of upholding peace and harmony within society. According to the fatwa, which is a legal ruling in Islamic law, it is considered forbidden to take the life of a non-Muslim citizen residing in an Islamic country. This prohibition is rooted in the teachings of Islam, which emphasize the sanctity and protection of all human lives regardless of their faith. Islam places great importance on the preservation of life and property, and as such, it mandates that individuals must respect and safeguard the rights of others, including non-Muslims. By upholding these principles, the Islamic community strives to create a society where everyone is treated with dignity and fairness, irrespective of their religious beliefs. Therefore, the fatwa serves as a reminder of the ethical responsibilities that individuals have towards their fellow citizens, fostering a culture of peace, tolerance, and respect within Islamic societies. The fatwa in question was actually issued several years ago, and it includes certain positive directives that align with Islamic jurisprudence. However, there is a specific aspect to consider where the Mufti Muneeb leans towards offering a more political justification within the specific context of Pakistan, rather than strictly in line with Islamic principles. This particularly pertains to the situation in Kashmir. While the fatwa explicitly prohibits the killing of non-Muslim residents in an Islamic nation, the Mufti's assertion that this prohibition does not apply to the struggles in Kashmir is highly contentious and raises significant objections. In the wake of the devastating Pulwama attack, which tragically claimed the lives of numerous Indian security forces in a horrific suicide bombing incident, it was crucial for us to reflect on the harrowing events that transpired on that fateful day. The assailants behind this heinous act were linked to the Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) group, based in Pakistan, who brazenly admitted to orchestrating the attack through a statement provided to a local news agency. However, it is essential to highlight that their actions starkly contradict the fundamental principles of Islam, which unequivocally denounce such acts of violence, especially suicide bombings, as outlined in a comprehensive article penned by this humble writer [Ghulam Ghaus Siddiqi] and published on Newageislam.com. The repercussions of the Pulwama attack reverberated not only across the region but also served as a stark reminder of the need to address extremism and safeguard the sanctity of human life. In the aftermath of the heinous Pulwama terror strike which claimed the lives of 40 CRPF personnel, the Dargah Ala Hazrat in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, emphatically called upon the government to eradicate terrorism and uphold the sanctity of human life. Rooted in the teachings of Islam, the Dargah stressed that terrorism has no place in the religion and unequivocally denounces any association between Muslims and acts of terror. Sajjadah Nasheen Subhan Raja Khan, in condemning the Pulwama attack, emphasized that such atrocities not only bring shame upon humanity but also tarnish the principles of Islam. Moreover, expressing heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families, the Dargah wholeheartedly stood in solidarity with the martyrs' loved ones during this time of profound loss. Notably, the Dargah underlined the imperative for the Muslim community to unite against those who seek to sow seeds of terror and discord. In addition to the Dargah, Indian Ulama from diverse schools of thought united in a resounding denouncement of the despicable Pulwama attack, firmly calling for stringent repercussions against all perpetrators involved. It is profoundly imperative to acknowledge and commend the resolute stance assumed by the Indian Ulama in unequivocally condemning the tragic events in Pulwama. Their vocal rejection of violence, coupled with their impassioned plea for justice, serves as a poignant testament to their unwavering dedication to fostering peace and communal harmony within the nation. Throughout history, the Indian Ulama have remained pivotal in advocating for religious tolerance and facilitating cross-cultural understanding among the various sects in India. Thus, their unwavering stand against terrorism and all forms of violence emits a potent message of unity and solidarity that resonates throughout the nation and beyond. Conversely, it is disheartening to witness the unwavering support exhibited by certain Pakistani Ulama towards their respective political and military authorities, under the guise of propagating Islam. Their misguided employment of religion to endorse acts of violence and terrorism propagates a perilous trend with far-reaching implications for regional peace and stability. It is critical that we address this growing concern promptly, as it harbours the potential to thwart the endeavours of peace-loving individuals and communities striving towards a harmonious future. Given the divisive narrative perpetuated by certain Pakistani Ulama, the onus falls upon the Indian Ulama to refute these narratives at an ideological level, thwarting any attempts to exploit Islam against India. By upholding and promoting the authentic tenets of Islam, which are rooted in principles of peace, empathy, and harmonious coexistence, the Indian Ulama can effectively counter extremist ideologies that aim to divide communities and incite violence. Through their dedicated efforts in disseminating awareness and nurturing constructive dialogues, the Indian Ulama play an instrumental role in constructing a more inclusive and tolerant society. The significance of the Indian Ulama's role in combating extremism and championing peace cannot be overstated. By courageously confronting those who endeavour to sow discord and animosity, the Indian Ulama are not only upholding the core tenets of their faith but also contributing significantly to the collective welfare of society. It is paramount that we extend unwavering support and encouragement to their tireless endeavours aimed at fostering unity and mutual understanding among disparate communities within the diverse fabric of India. The tragic incident in Pulwama served as a stark reminder of the cost of terrorism and the urgent need for collective action against its perpetrators. As investigations revealed the involvement of the Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) terrorist group harboured in Pakistan, it becomes increasingly clear that concerted efforts are essential to combat the scourge of terrorism and safeguard peace and harmony for all. When the suicide bombers devised their plan to launch an attack on the Indian security forces, they were systematically indoctrinated with the corrupted and distorted interpretations of Islamic teachings. This manipulation led them to carry out their devastating attack without any hesitation. It is crucial to hold certain Pakistani Ulama accountable for their involvement in this twisted narrative. These individuals, who issued a fatwa suggesting that taking the lives of non-Muslims in Islamic nations is unacceptable, yet indirectly justified violence in the context of Kashmir's so-called fight for “freedom”, must be questioned in the aftermath of incidents like the Pulwama attack. Their political narrative needs to be consistently challenged, drawing upon the true essence of Islamic teachings that unequivocally denounce acts of terrorism, including suicide bombings, under any circumstances. The need to address the root causes of such extreme ideologies and to promote a genuine understanding of Islam that promotes peace and compassion is paramount in countering such violent acts. Let me make it explicitly clear that my intention is not to cast blame on all the Ulama of Pakistan without distinction. It is important to emphasize that my critique pertains to a specific subset of Ulama, rather than a blanket condemnation of the entire community. This distinction is crucial in avoiding generalizations and stereotypes. I believe in fairness and accuracy, acknowledging that there are diverse perspectives and practices within the realm of Ulama in Pakistan. Therefore, it is essential to be discerning and nuanced in our assessment of individuals and groups, understanding that each must be evaluated on their own merits. By clarifying this point, I seek to promote understanding and avoid misconceptions that may arise from broad-brush statements. Pakistani Ulama can be categorized into two groups: those who promote a moderate, harmonious interpretation of Islam and those who advocate for extreme, radical beliefs disguised as Islam. The former advocates for an inclusive, open-minded, and progressive understanding of the faith, while the latter advocates for extreme, radical beliefs. Supporting and appreciating the voices of those who promote peaceful narratives and denouncing those who advocate for harmful discourses can help combat radicalization and promote tolerance, mutual understanding, and respect. This can foster unity, cohesion, and peaceful coexistence at both local and global scales. Through the dissemination of this article, we extend a heartfelt invitation to the esteemed Indian Ulama to consistently and fearlessly refute the Pakistani Ulama who, regrettably, have been known to distort Islamic teachings for partisan political motives and military ventures, especially when directed towards India. By initiating open dialogues and vigorously challenging any misinterpretations or exploitations of Islam, the Indian Ulama have the invaluable potential to staunch these insidious efforts, thereby laying the groundwork for a more amicable and empathetic rapport between the peoples of India and Pakistan. It is through the power of conceptual clarity, critical analysis, and spiritual integrity that the Indian Ulama can play a pivotal role in reshaping narratives, dispelling misconceptions, and nurturing a sustainable foundation of respectful coexistence and shared understanding within the socio-political landscape of the Indian subcontinent. References: BBC Urdu Report: ’عام مقامات پر خود کش حملےحرام ‘: آپ کی رائے؟ Dargah Ala Hazrat Report: UP: Dargah Ala Hazrat Shares Grief of Pulwama Martyrs’ Families, Says Bloodshed of Innocents is Against Islam Refutation of Jaish-e-Mohammad’s Theology: Pulwama Terror Attack Should Open the Eyes of Indian Ulama ------- A regular columnist with NewAgeIslam.com, Ghulam Ghaus Siddiqi Dehlvi is a classical Islamic scholar with a rich Sufi Madrasa background and expertise in English-Arabic-Urdu translation. URL: https://www.newageislam.com/islam-politics/pulwama-suicide-attack-fatwa-pakistani-ulama/d/132663 New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism

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