Friday, October 14, 2022
Prophetic Ways of Love: Commemorating Prophet of Love on the Month of His Birthday - Part 1
By Grace Mubashir, New Age Islam
14 October 2022
Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) Epitomized Love and Compassion For All
Main Points:
1. The Holy Prophet addressed everything that is against humanity, against humanity, against love, against values
2. The Holy Prophet's mission is to generate and apply constructive thinking about what people should do for the betterment.
3. The Prophet was against those who opposed human values.
4. As a basis for understanding Rasool, the conversation between King Hyrqal and Abu Sufyan seems useful.
The last two verses of the Qur'an chapter of Tawbah introduce the Holy Prophet heartily. The Holy Prophet was making life easier for both believers and non-believers. There was nothing from the Holy Prophet that caused hardship to anyone. Not to cause trouble, fight or kill others. The Holy Prophet's position is to do as much as possible to guide people in this world and in the hereafter. Many verses in the Holy Qur'an (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) state this.
That presence is the blessing of the world. If he had been hard-hearted, the people would have stayed away from there. The heart was pure. No prophet in the world has ever come with a hard heart. Thus preaching is not possible. It is not the style of Islam. Peace is the path of religion. Islam is about love and tolerance. Such was the life of the Holy Prophet.
Look at Medina. That time There are Jews and there are unbelievers. Holy Prophet organizes the way to include them.
The Secret War of the Orientalists
That personality is acceptable to all. He is the protector of everyone's rights. And it is undeniable. It was the Orientalists who first introduced Rasool as a mighty and fanatic. It is their need. After the Crusades, they wondered how they could disparage without evidence. Those thoughts were fuelled by those who appeared to reform Islam. But mainstream Muslim studies and historiography were very different. Even in the face of war, he has shown caution to ensure extreme tolerance and to give consideration to children, women, old people, environment etc. In a situation where children have been killed, Rasool warns those who ask if they are not the children of an unbeliever. Holy Prophet feels pain when trees and plants are destroyed. That pain is also the pain of those who support the Holy Prophet. Rahmatunlil Alameen is an underlining Quranic expression. The intention is to bless the entire world. The word Alam includes everything other than Allah.
The Enemies of Islam
Yet Islam grew stronger. Those who realized that they could not ideologically defeat Islam and break the confidence of the Muslims, started insulting the Holy Prophet personally. He raised new kinds of allegations that none of his contemporaries had raised. Allegations of being a drunkard and a paedophile come centuries later. This fact alone is enough to understand the contradiction in it. These allegations are made to attack Rasool personally. It is followed by accusations of bigotry and warmongering. None of Rasool's contemporaries were called war-thirsty.
The concept of Rahmatul Lil Alameen is very easy to understand. It can be seen throughout life. The society at that time was very stubborn and showed hooliganism. The Holy Prophet lived in a completely different way in that society and enlightened them. Is it not possible to be an idea propagandist who behaves rudely in front of a society where there was no justice in dealings and in life? The blessing of the Qur'an as the blessing of the world has been realized with life.
Anti-Islamists make accusations based on certain circumstances. Organizations such as the Popular Front have adopted the method of presenting Rasool's peace orientation and his rare reactions in critical situations. It was even evident in their recent campaign. There are some histories that we hear. It is narrated that the Prophet visited the woman who threw dirt on the Prophet's body when he heard that she was sick. They are spreading the word that it is fabricated. Likewise they deny many of the histories that introduce tolerant prophets. Is it necessary? History has it that Abu Lahab's wife made the Holy Prophet suffer like this. How did the Holy Prophet respond to that? The Holy Prophet does not reply even when there are constant slanderous attacks. The Qur'an gives the answer. Looking at it, it cannot be said that the history of the Jewish woman is fabricated. At the same time, it can be said that it was not quoted with qualifications. Fabrication and non-qualification are not the same thing. The eagerness to deny many histories of tolerance is not well-intentioned; the tendency to reject and deny historical events unfavourable to them cannot be spared.
Also Read: Impeccable Relevance of Prophet Muhammad in the Here and Hereafter
Retreats for Peace
This is the one hundred and eleventh chapter. Abu Lahab and his wife have been behind the brutal attacks, cursing, and keeping family members away from the Prophet since the Holy Prophet started his preaching. Yet the Holy Prophet did not curse with his own tongue. He recited the words of Allah. It is not a prayer. It is the announcement that Allah has destroyed.
The campaigns of those who turn Islam into a military system can be refuted very accurately in every context of the Prophet's life. The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah occurs in the 6th century Hijra. It is an agreement made by the Holy Prophet with his fierce opponents. The other side insisted that it cannot be written as 'Messenger of Allah' when it is written that the Messenger of Allah is a contract with Prophet Muhammad. When Ali felt that he should write in the same way and expressed it through his body language, the Holy Prophet himself bought a pen and corrected it and said 'Agreement with Muhammad'. This was six years after the formation of a kingdom in Madinah. It is at that juncture that the terms are written in a way that appears to give way. Not only where the name is written, When Suhail, who is in the opposition, says to write ``Umrah this year'' instead of ``Umrah this year'', Rasool gives in to that too. Holy Prophet is giving any amount for peace. None of this is flimsy or fabricated history. Scientifically cited in Sahih al-Bukhari.
In the last verse of the Taubah chapter mentioned at the beginning of the article, it is said what was the nature and attitude of the Holy Prophet. See the constructive work done by Rasool; Allowing the good that people want. Removes impurities. Jews and Christians who are well versed in the Torah and Injeel are more familiar with this Prophet than their children. We have before us the opinions of the ancient priests Bahira and Nastura. History has their discoveries that he is the same prophet mentioned in the Vedas. They understand the Prophet from the Old Vedas.
Salmanul Farisi and Abdullahibn Salam accepted Islam as Prophets seen in the Old Testament. Rasool says that I have been appointed for the complete realization of the best character. Along with that, he stood with the problems of the people of all times. That is what the Qur'an later said, when asked if they are prophets, they are those who take down the burdens of people. That they are helping to overcome various problems and crises that people are facing. From all this, Rasool's mission and position are clear.
One may recall the experience of Abu Jandal coming to Madinah after the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. The agreement was that whoever came from Makkah to Madinah should be sent back. But whoever comes from Medina will not be sent back. There Rasool bows down painfully to keep the contract. Later they broke the truce. With that, their very existence was threatened.
Medina; Safe for Opponents Too
Abu Sufyan, a fierce opponent of the Holy Prophet, is coming to Medina. How dare he come to Medina. Especially in the aftermath of the battles of Badr and Uhd. It is coming again for peace seeing Siddique. Seeing Umm Habiba. Looking for some way to restore peace with all of them. Abu Sufyan is a declared enemy of Islam. The main opponent of the Muslims who led the Meccans after Abu Jahl. Yet Abu Sufyan had the courage to come to Medina! If the position of Islam is that the enemy can be dealt with wherever he is found, as some say, can Abu Sufyan enter Madinah in this case? The Prophet is not the only one in Madinah. All his followers are there. Abu Sufyan does not fear that someone from among them will attack him if he gets in front of him. Abu Sufyan knew very well that this was not the way of the Prophet and his Companions. If we examine the issues in this historical background, we will get more clarity.
In Islam, hostility and killing are practiced only during face-to-face combat. It cannot be seen that arms were taken or that there was a conflict except during armed conflict. Otherwise, acts of revenge are not found in Islam. That is how the Prophet molded the society. The Prophet's example is to show justice even to enemies. You can see that way in talking and interacting with them. It is the experience of many who came from Makkah to Madinah. Did the enemies also know these positions? That is why they come to Madinah fearlessly. Were they certain that the feud would not end in any way? Let's say. If we understand the basis of what the Prophet used to do, we will get more clarity. While studying the wars and history of progress in the world, the goal is either the development of the nation, or revenge against another nation. Or there will be animosity of one group of people or hostility towards another group of people. For such things, there have been military movements in the world at different times. The Holy Prophet came to educate and guide the human society in order to succeed in both worlds. That is the Messenger's mission. Dharma is culture building and social welfare. The Holy Prophet had no desire to be the ruler of a country, except for the necessary defences to remove obstacles in the way. No grudge against another country. Or revenge against another nation may be the goal. Or there will be animosity of one group of people or hostility towards another group of people. That is the Messenger's mission. Dharma is culture building and social welfare. The Holy Prophet had no desire to be the ruler of a country, except for the necessary defences to remove obstacles in the way. No grudge against another country.
Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi writes: An important reason why the bighorns of the sixth century opposed the Prophet was their wealth and arrogance. They protected slaves, worked with slaves, and boasted of having a large number of slaves. The reason for opposing the Prophet is sometimes more than polytheism, because he takes the slaves by the hand and brings them to freedom and elevation and eliminates the high and lows here.
If the Prophet had not protected people like Bilal and had only spoken ideals, there would not have been so much of a problem for the monopoly class there. Ultimately, the problem is that Rasool questioned the authenticity.
As a basis for understanding Rasool, the conversation between King Hyrqal and Abu Sufyan seems useful. In the said conversation, the King is asking Abu Sufyan precisely about the Holy Prophet. Emperor Hyrchal asks: Were any of the Prophet's fathers kings? Do the elite or the weak join the gang? Are people increasing or decreasing? Has anyone left the religion against this religion, and has he lied to you? Used to cheat? Abu Sufyan's answer to these questions: He enjoins to do good, to add family ties, and to tell the truth. He is not a man of royal blood but is followed by the weak, and no one is mistaken about him. Abu Sufyan later says, 'Now we have an agreement between him and us. I don't know if that contract will be violated.' This was only a word deliberately inserted to get a negative image about the Holy Prophet.
Abu Sufyan never gets a chance to speak his mind. Abu Sufyan used this opportunity. Rasool upheld honesty and values that even his enemies could not deny. When we understand that, the idea we intend will become clear again.
It can be understood from the words of Abu Sufyan that what the Holy Prophet tried to establish and that he fully followed it in his life. The Holy Prophet's mission is to generate and apply constructive thinking about what people should do for the betterment.
Many of the people of that time were caught in many traps. Then they need processing/redemption. For that they should be filled with knowledge. So they are given knowledge. Culture and knowledge combine to form a human society. The Holy Prophet addressed everything that is against humanity, against humanity, against love, against values, step by step. When we realize that this is how the Holy Prophet was, we can understand that all the struggles that take place during that life or later are due to inevitable reasons.
The Holy Prophet was with the weak. He spoke for the weak. The Prophet was against those who opposed human values. The people of those days were strong. They have power, athleticism and wealth. To maintain a society like this, force has to be used at times. That force cannot be avoided. The worshipers of evil had to be arrested in order to establish good. Rather, it was not the way of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) to catch and kill on sight, and to take evil ways for it.
Companion Ja’far gave a lecture in the palace of King Najashi in history. Each and every number mentioned in it clarifies the transparency of the Holy Prophet's work. When they stood decisively against the Holy Prophet and his companions and they themselves prepared the ground for an armed conflict, they resorted to defence in order to protect the right to exist. Remember that too after ten years of intense suffering in Makkah. The suggestion that you should not desire war may also be added at this point.
A regular columnist for, Mubashir V.P is a PhD scholar in Islamic Studies at Jamia Millia Islamia and freelance journalist.
New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism
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