Wednesday, April 24, 2024

War on Palestine - How the World Can Make Israel Behave

By Naseer Ahmed, New Age Islam 24 April 2024 Palestine is a land that is currently under Israeli occupation and is not recognized as an independent state. During the first Nakba in 1947-48, Israel forced Arabs from the mainland into the small Gaza Strip. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Also Read: Israeli Aggression Against Palestine: Connecting The Dots ----------------------------------------------------------------- Representational Photo from the Files -------- Furthermore, the West Bank is being gradually taken over by illegal settlements. Because of the occupation, Israel has a responsibility to protect the people living in these territories. As an occupier, it has no right to wage war against the occupied people. Even if the international community cannot prevent the illegal war that Israel is waging against its own people, it can make it incumbent on them to take reasonable measures to safeguard civilian lives. Here are some possible measures that could be implemented: 1. If Israel wanted to wage war against Hamas alone without harming the civilians, the most straightforward solution was to shift the civilian population into temporary accommodation in Israel. They could have done it in three phases – evacuate North Gaza first, clear it of Hamas and their tunnels, then Central Gaza, followed by South Gaza. This way, not a single innocent life would have been lost. South Africa can move the ICJ to give such a ruling, making it incumbent on Israel to follow such a plan. The UN Security Council can pass a resolution compelling Israel to follow such a procedure. Israel and the US would be hard-pressed to resist such a demand, and even if they resisted, they would be forced to minimise civilian killings, failing which the demand can be made afresh and repeatedly until it becomes impossible for Israel not to heed. Even today, it is not too late, with Israel committed to destroying Rafah or South Gaza. They can be forced to accommodate the Civilian population in Israel until they have a safe home in Gaza to return to. Such a measure prevents the wanton destruction of civil infrastructure because Israel cannot send back its refugees unless there are safe homes in Gaza to send them back. However, the objective of both Israel and the US was to use the war on Hamas as an excuse to carry out genocide, which is why they did what they did. The rest of the world may yet act and prevent the slaughter of more civilians and the greater destruction of homes and other civil infrastructure. 2. Among the rulings South Africa sought from the ICJ, it can make it incumbent on Israel to publish a daily report of its attacks, the number killed by category, and the military objective served by the attack and a similar report from Hamas and a neutral UN observer team in Gaza validating the reports. Every day, we hear reports of at least 20 people killed, 12 of them children, with apparently no military purpose served. Israel openly says that they are punishing the population to force them to rise against Hamas and compel it to release the hostages. This violates the International Human Rights of the innocent civilian population. 3. South Africa can ask the ICJ to make it incumbent on Israel to allow foreign accredited reporters so that the truth is not buried and the war crimes are exposed in real-time for immediate corrective action. 4. Rather than monthly reports on which little action is taken, the ICJ can ask Israel to publish daily reports on its official website giving details of aid allowed into Gaza so that immediate action on any shortfall is possible. 5. Today, Gaza is without hospitals and medicines, and the injured are amputated without anaesthesia or left to die without medical attention. Considering the size of the population of Gaza and the number of people killed and wounded, the ICJ can make it incumbent on Israel to ceasefire the moment the emergency healthcare needs of the population fall below a predetermined threshold. Doctors without Borders can be entrusted with determining when this threshold is breached. This will force Israel to ensure that the hospitals are protected to avoid a ceasefire being forced on them by default. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also Read: The Emotional Message from the Palestinian Delegate at a UN Session Following the US Veto ------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is imperative that the world take assertive actions to implement the reasonable measures outlined above to hold Israel accountable and avert an even greater catastrophe. ----- A frequent contributor to, Naseer Ahmed is an Engineering graduate from IIT Kanpur and is an independent IT consultant after having served in both the Public and Private sector in responsible positions for over three decades. He has spent years studying Quran in-depth and made seminal contributions to its interpretation. URL: New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism

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